attn Caliphornia

how much is BJ paying you to make endless threads hating on GSP? Seriously,its getting ridiculous

it is pretty pathetic on is part

poor child

attn ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun:

why do GSP fanboys always bring up BJ to everyone who says anything that is non-pro GSP? sure I like BJ but i'm an anderson and lyoto guy. i am way bigger fans of them than BJ. i like alot of fighters lol.

anyways, like i said before the fight, i was actually rooting for GSP to beat shields, and I am a fan of his as of recently. I have been way impressed with how he conducts himself outside of the cage. lately he seems to be extra trying hard to contribute to the sport

with that said, his fight last night was awful, and like everyone else i can express my opinion about it considering that i paid for the event

ILoveWatchingJonesBoneShogun - how much is BJ paying you to make endless threads hating on GSP? Seriously,its getting ridiculous

 I have to wonder how he can even type with BJ's dick stretching his throat muscles.

To Cali: Sure you were, just like a Republican is rooting for Obama.

Seriously, get over it. You are just being a lame loser.

caliphornia - 

with that said, his fight last night was awful, and like everyone else i can express my opinion about it considering that i paid for the event

GSP is boring

This is the last time I'll order an event where GSP is in the main event.

I'll save money and just take an ambien next time

It's okay for BJ to have a rib injury and lose but god forbid GSP is a one eyed bandit and win

Fredrico - It's okay for BJ to have a rib injury and lose but god forbid GSP is a one eyed bandit and win

Very true. No dis to BJ but good point.

GSP fought 1 eyed vs BJ in the first fight and with a pulled groin against prime Alves.

Anderson vs Lutter and vs Sonnen. He looked like shit overall in both of those fights until the finish. Injuries suck.

 LOL at this thread.... anytime you criticize GSP, it is always about BJ... 

These GSP nuthuggers have become the most annoying fans on the Underground.  They can't even seem to accept reality.

If any thread title has the letters GSP in it, rest assured Caliphornia will be there within 5 minutes to say something negative about him. To Caliphornia those 3 letters are like the bat signal. He feels they are used to summon him.

duckhuntgangsta -  GSP haters way more annoying than GSP nuthuggers. Phone Post

 GSP haters are mostly Penn nut-huggers.

lionsoul -  LOL at this thread.... anytime you criticize GSP, it is always about BJ... 

These GSP nuthuggers have become the most annoying fans on the Underground.  They can't even seem to accept reality.<br type="_moz" />

No it's actually cause caliphaggot is posting enough antiGSP threads and he is a known flip flopping BJ Penn fan hence the rib reference.