How are you today? Hope the ears aren't bugging you too much.
Anyhow, there is confusion about Zuffa's new "extreme sports/activities" clause for the fighters. Are they forbidden to do these activities ALL THE TIME, or only when they have a specific bout agreement signed???
We ask because often a fighter may go 6 months to a year without getting a fight, and it seems unfair to restrict them in what they can do if they do not have a bout agreement lined up. I understand your risk on marketing a fight so it makes sense IF they do have a bout lined up.
Could you speak to these points a little for us when you have time?
I'm pretty sure it's just when you get your bout agreement you can't so extreme sports.
That's what you would think, but it seems that Cerrone was told not to bullride and he does not have an official bout agreement due to Pettis having injury issues...
useless -
I'm pretty sure it's just when you get your bout agreement you can't so extreme sports.
That's what you would think, but it seems that Cerrone was told not to bullride and he does not have an official bout agreement due to Pettis having injury issues...
thats interesting, the way i understand it is that if a fighter pulls out the bout agreement is over. then if they get a replacement, it becomes a completly new bout agreement. so because of that, it sounds like if they are under zuffa contract - they have to avoid dangerous shit
ttt for dfw
I'm Purley speculative like everyone else but I would say some higher risk activities such as bull riding or base jumping or something would be a no go under contract. And maybe medium risk like motor bikes and skiing or something more a fight ready issue?
Either way I understand the high risk ones, its common place in a lot of sports
^^^^ Right but in those other sports the athletes are NOT independant contractors hoping to get a fight signed to earn money. They are employees who have a guaranteed salary (kind of guaranteed).
ears are fine, just a standard clause from our insurance company, these guys want to get covered by insurance they have to follow the fucking rules that simple.
Let it go. Dana doesn't owe u nerds any answers. Are xtreme sports a necessity of life? whoz gives a fuck. Dont sign if u dont want to be restricted. Go green peace for fighters elsewhere dork.
I like business, and I enjoy examining the unique model of Independant Contractors who have a large number of restrictions put on them by someone who is not their employer. It is an interesting dynamic overall.
Why do people care that I care? No need to click back into this thread moving forward if you are not interested in the topic. :)
Let it go. Dana doesn't owe u nerds any answers. Are xtreme sports a necessity of life? whoz gives a fuck. Dont sign if u dont want to be restricted. Go green peace for fighters elsewhere dork.
Never said he owed anyone anything.
Living your life how you want to live it as an independant contractor would be nice.
Go find another forum to be a negative fighter bashing piece of shit loser. No one likes you around here.