ATTN: Golden Boy

 So you are a promoter in Texas eh?

If so you should definitely check out Will Campuzano...he will be one of the best things to come out of Texas...if you already work with him & are responsible for his check bouncing, his bank account being overdrawn, & him getting an eviction notice...then you are an absolute dick & should burn in hell. Hopefully, that isn't you though.

That is all.

P.S. There is also a gentleman by the name of Derrick Krantz who you should be working with...



Dear God, I enjoy Golden Boy's posts, so please help him evade this German Mafia Krantz fellow. a fighter I got a little carried away with the burn in hell for check bouncing thing....I'll retract that statement...

ttt for burning in hell over a bounced check

Wasn't GB self-banned for breaking the Rickson news recently?

^ Yes, but IIRC, it was only an 18 hour ban.

I'm still waiting on a date but Will is on the card when it happens. Brad Barnes is my partner and I belive has already spoke to Will or Geroge.

LOL, I just re read your post. I don't bounce checks so wasn't me. Sorry Will got screwed over but you may want to check into things before you put your foot in your mouth.

Golden Boy - LOL, I just re read your post. I don't bounce checks so wasn't me. Sorry Will got screwed over but you may want to check into things before you put your foot in your mouth.

 I wasn't accusing the foot wasn't in the should re re read it...I said that it hopefully wasn't you.

Well hopefully it wasn't me.

what Rickson news?

dunchurrn - what Rickson news?


dunchurrn - what Rickson news?


He said Lesnar is going to raise a Rickson

Heartbroken Lee -  Maybe people should PM certain other people to see if certain rumours are true before tarnishing the name of certain valued members of certain forums in future. Just a friendly suggestion.

I do enough to tarnish my name on here. One thing I have never done is fucked over a fighter.

Golden Boy - 
Heartbroken Lee -  Maybe people should PM certain other people to see if certain rumours are true before tarnishing the name of certain valued members of certain forums in future. Just a friendly suggestion.

I do enough to tarnish my name on here. One thing I have never done is fucked over a fighter.
I don;t know about that...I saw that pic of you and Paul with your hands in your pants........

Haulport - I don;t know about that...I saw that pic of you and Paul with your hands in your pants........
Still better than his hands in Paul's pants....

Golden Boy - 
Heartbroken Lee -  Maybe people should PM certain other people to see if certain rumours are true before tarnishing the name of certain valued members of certain forums in future. Just a friendly suggestion.

I do enough to tarnish my name on here. One thing I have never done is fucked over a fighter.
I sure hope that Kimbo spoiler was really a prediction from you.  Goldenboy is always spot on.  Did you hear Dana Whites new inerview?  He make it sound like a fighter from TUF10, like a cast member, already leaked the results.

Isn't the show still in taping?  lol


No, I didn't listen to Dana's interview.

And for the record.....this Texas promoter is not me either.

Taken from

well apparently buddy dixon had to leave beacause he was walking and passed out head first into the ground. there was alot of debate as to if it was real or not. people were saying that the show bombed and that was the reason he faked it. not sure if true or not. but there were a ton of angry peple that didnt get paid. and ricco looked great. he was slim in shape and ready to go. the fight was stopped prematurely. doug was on his back and trying to move ricco around, and of course he grunted as he was attempting to get to a better position, and the ref stopped it saying it was a verbal submission.

yeah not saying that he did or didnt fake it but that was the word. and it just so happened to happen right before the first fight. i dont know. let me just say this. if i had to make an honest opinion and say if it was fake i would say yes it was fake. the poor lady robin was runnin around at the end of the night trying to help everyone get paid, and she was taking all the heat for them not getting paid. so imo it was a faked heart attack or stroke or whatever in order to avoid paying everyone. i mean honestly he passed out and was on the ground a good 20 mins before they finaly took him out by stretcher. actually was in good enough condition that one of the medics left and went cage side so the fights could start.