Attn JJD...

 1-3 bwahahahaha


na na na na na na....HEY HEY HEY... GOO BYE!!!

 what can I say?

At least you and Kanotoa are agreeing on something.. ;-)


Oh but I can say for a guy who doesn't like Basketball you sure root hard for the Celtics.. Bandwagon imo


Talk about blowing your wad in the 1st half.

Should the popo be called to be put on suicide alert?

enjoying this more to go....sorry JD

 Not over yet...Trust me, as a Blazers fan that thought had the Lakers down and out only to come back and send me into depression...Don't count your four leaf clovers too early Celtic fans.

very true Rabello.....that's why I have remained relitively silent.

 I hope the Lakers win this weekend



 that the Celtics can win the Championship at home!!!

 Oh brother!