Attn joe RoE (Joe Rogan)

Podcast guest idea.

Big John McCarthy?

Former LAPD cop, including being there during the riots, been around MMA since literally the beginning, everybody knows and loves him. I think it'd make for a fantastic episode. Imagine the stories.

Joe roe? Phone Post 3.0

Would listen. Phone Post 3.0

He's been on Eddie Bravo's podcast already, Episode 12. He talks a lot about the early UFC days. Definitely worth a listen. Phone Post 3.0

Good idea. Dont call him that though. Phone Post

Cmon guys, everybody loves some JOEROE.

RJB - He's been on Eddie Bravo's podcast already, Episode 12. He talks a lot about the early UFC days. Definitely worth a listen. Phone Post 3.0

Thank you for the heads up. I'm on it. VU tomorrow when I can.

In, would love to see Dean Lister as well. Phone Post 3.0

J Roe ft Big J. Phone Post 3.0

J Rizzoe Phone Post 3.0

I submit cats -
RJB - He's been on Eddie Bravo's podcast already, Episode 12. He talks a lot about the early UFC days. Definitely worth a listen. Phone Post 3.0

Thank you for the heads up. I'm on it. VU tomorrow when I can.
Thanks. Voted you up too. Phone Post 3.0

"The rap ballad of Joe-Roe and Big John"

Now here's a little story bout a fella named Joe-Roe
He started out hostin a succesful tv show, bro
The years went by, but the ratings got low though
He then decided it was high time to get and go, yo

Beat drops...

His love for combat sports took him to a new venue
Succesful commentating showed him he should continue
He joined his buddy Ed at 10th planet jiu-jitsu
Comedy, martial arts, and aplha brain was on the menu

Funky bass...

He was a household name as the long years passed
Yet he felt like he was missing something that he'd yet to grasp
So he took advantage of the internet and thought fast
By creating an experience with a podcast

Metal solo...

Many guests would make appearances to talk about their specialty
Discussing topics that rarely ever fails to impress a G
I could write a huge list of all the relevant guests we'd see
Except big John, the great MMA referee.

/bass Phone Post 3.0

Big John's book, the first part was outstanding. His pre-UFC cop days.

Then he started talking about the UFC and the book was utter shit after that.