Attn. Joe Rogan

C'mon joe help a UG'er out ... Phone Post 3.0

You No Hey Hey! Phone Post

Take an adderall.. Phone Post

Hey Joe, where you goin' with that bong in your hand.

In for Joe's response. Phone Post 3.0

I didn't bump this yesterday, but TTT for Joe's response before July, which is the next event I'm supposed to commentate.

Are you doing play by play or colour? Phone Post 3.0

Well, a bit of both at the moment. It was the first time for my partner and I being together last Saturday. (I can't believe I just wrote that sentence on the UG.) We are figuring out what is best. We're both knowledgeable and pretty articulate, but my partner is a higher BJJ belt than me, so I deffered to him for more of the specifics of the BJJ action, in particular. We'll see how things develop.

Looks like hes been pretty busy


I want to ask Joe Rogan about the glaring plot hole in Here Comes the Boom where he appears in the crowd by the entrance and is doing announcing duties at the same time LOL

Till joe!

Good luck man. You will do well. As You're already good public speaker, the foundation is already in place.

UGCTT_Clown - 

I want to ask Joe Rogan about the glaring plot hole in Here Comes the Boom where he appears in the crowd by the entrance and is doing announcing duties at the same time LOL

My whole reality has been shattered now.

CRMartin11 - just try to explain things to the casual fan, keep things exciting, and remember at the end of the day you are there to put on a show and make sure people have a good time. That is all.

Break a leg.

What he said.  That was great advice.  The only thing else I could add is that I always carry the mindset that I'm there to honor the sport and the true fans of martial arts.  Recognize that there are very few people as fortunate as us to have such a cool position and always try to do it justice.  Best of luck to you!

TTT Phone Post 3.0


You're getting terrible advice here. Just go into great detail describing the fighters bodies while breathing heavily and then speculate about which one has the bigger cock.

Rogan is obviously giving you bad advice on purpose just to make sure there's no chance you'll take his job. (They tuuk his jowwwb!) Phone Post 3.0

superCalo - 

When it doubt remember everything else is virtually identical. Phone Post

You silly bastard. Caught me by surprise and I spat bread onto my keyboard. VU!

Joe Rogan - 
CRMartin11 - just try to explain things to the casual fan, keep things exciting, and remember at the end of the day you are there to put on a show and make sure people have a good time. That is all.

Break a leg.

What he said.  That was great advice.  The only thing else I could add is that I always carry the mindset that I'm there to honor the sport and the true fans of martial arts.  Recognize that there are very few people as fortunate as us to have such a cool position and always try to do it justice.  Best of luck to you!

Thanks for responding, Joe. Means a lot. Advice has been taken to heart. It is a true honor to add my thoughts, and analysis while two men are fighting their hears out mere inches from me. It is a primal and majestic endeavor, to test oneself in such a way. I respect and honor it greatly, and will do so in my commentating.

Next show is in July. If there is video readily available, perhaps you can watch 5-7 seconds of it and let me know what you think. Thanks again!

supercan -
Joe Rogan - 
CRMartin11 - just try to explain things to the casual fan, keep things exciting, and remember at the end of the day you are there to put on a show and make sure people have a good time. That is all.

Break a leg.

What he said.  That was great advice.  The only thing else I could add is that I always carry the mindset that I'm there to honor the sport and the true fans of martial arts.  Recognize that there are very few people as fortunate as us to have such a cool position and always try to do it justice.  Best of luck to you!

Thanks for responding, Joe. Means a lot. Advice has been taken to heart. It is a true honor to add my thoughts, and analysis while two men are fighting their hears out mere inches from me. It is a primal and majestic endeavor, to test oneself in such a way. I respect and honor it greatly, and will do so in my commentating.

Next show is in July. If there is video readily available, perhaps you can watch 5-7 seconds of it and let me know what you think. Thanks again!

Speaking of "primal and majestic" if all else fails; go with describing their bodies and wondering aloud about hog size as Fedoral stated.

Which means to have fun.

Enjoy. Phone Post