Attn. Joe Rogan

I will be commentating my first fights tomorrow night at Gladiators of the Cage, a local show near Pittsburgh, PA.  Can you please give me your one best tip for commentating fights?  I would be very grateful.  *prepares for UG's unsolicited tips*

So you know I'm not some strange internet creeper - I'm the guy that started the UG Grand Prix a few years back.  I now own my own gym ( 

Take some Alpha Brain, eat some of Joey Diaz's Banana bread, and you'll do just fine.

Good luck, don't think Joe comes on here everyday so chances of him seeing this before the event are slim.

Just don't be cunty, bro.

If the ref or judges make a mistake, dwell on it until the next fight is halfway over :)

I keed I keed Joe is the best. Phone Post 3.0

Keep an eye on the ice. Phone Post 3.0

supercan - 

I will be commentating my first fights tomorrow night at Gladiators of the Cage, a local show near Pittsburgh, PA.  Can you please give me your one best tip for commentating fights?  I would be very grateful.  prepares for UG's unsolicited tips

So you know I'm not some strange internet creeper - I'm the guy that started the UG Grand Prix a few years back.  I now own my own gym ( 

Honestly, if you can't think of what you were trying to say... don't fucking stutter, say uh or um or any of those other pause words.

Thats it.

Try and get the names right!


Good luck and break a leg. Phone Post 3.0

I used to be a minister, believe it or fucking not. I was basically a public speaker for a living. I'm pretty good at that part.

MattBFD - Keep an eye on the ice. Phone Post 3.0

Damnit bet me to it Phone Post

TTT for Joe.

I know. Lame to TTT my own thread. The first commentating experience last night was great! I am now slated to work with my partner again at a much larger venue in Pittsburgh in July.

Joe...would still love a tip, good sir.

Come on Joe!

supercan - I know. Lame to TTT my own thread. The first commentating experience last night was great! I am now slated to work with my partner again at a much larger venue in Pittsburgh in July.

Joe...would still love a tip, good sir.
Glad you had fun! Phone Post 3.0

TTT. Phone Post 3.0

My favorite part of Rogan's commentary is how thoroughly he explains the grappling aspect of the fight. He explains what each guy is doing or should be doing. I don't trane at all, but I have become pretty good at understanding what's going on when there is grappling going on.

This isn't what you asked for, but I hope it might help.

VTFU for good luck!! Phone Post 3.0

This is my self-bump of the day. TTT for Joe. My broadcast partner and I would be incredibly honored for a quick response and tip from Joe.


-Until Joe

Powerful supercan Phone Post

Check for ice in the ring. Phone Post 3.0