Attn: Jon Alessio

That decision ruined my night. You'll be back for sure. Keep Training hard.

I second that.

I gave round 1 and 2 to Alessio. Round 3 to Diego.

I thought it was a great fight. Great UFC in fact!

the decision was 100% correct. alessio did NOTHING in that fight except throw a couple jabs. so fucking what if you defend the takedown (not even 100% of the time mind you).... if you don't do damage in your standup, takedown defense means NOTHING. diego was the aggressor in the punches and in the groundgame. alessio should retire if that's the sort of approach he has to offer. it's a FIGHT, it is not an amateur sport, its a spectator professional sport, and lack of aggression is inexcusable.

You don't even get points in wrestling for an attempted takedown, in a sport now judged almost completely on the takedown.

Vagina on the eyebrow = Damage IMO

canario has jabbed the correct

i don't give a shit about eyebrows. cuts are stupid. and in amateur wrestling you don't get points for defending the takedown either. plus diego actualy got 2 takedowns, 1 in round 2 and 1 in round 3. that counts for a lot more than fucking jabs. alessio reminded me of lawler vs lytle, constantly backing up and acting like there aren't hundreds of thousands of people watching and expecting to see A MOTHER FUCKING FIGHT.

warning: grapplers won't like this thread

Technically, if the round is 0-0 and a leg clinch is ordered by the ref, the wrestler who defends the takedown wins the round.

Therefore, Sprawl > failed takedown

yeah, except diego was successful in 2 cases, and the punching on the feet was even. i'm sorry but you cannot give a decision to someone who made ZERO attempt to finish the fight AT ANY POINT.

"I gave round 1 and 2 to Alessio. Round 3 to Diego".

Same here.

i too believe you won , good fight none the less . peace .

I thought Sanchez won. It was the same thing against Jason Black, Alessio just has no offense.

I was VERY impressed with Alessio's defense, and was cheering for him
but I would have given it to Diego.

" I was VERY impressed with Alessio's defense, and was cheering for him but I would have given it to Diego." - my opinion exactly!

it just makes me mad that people would score that fight for alessio. rewarding that type of approach to a fight will surely be the downfall of this sport.

seriously you got robbed and that pissed us all off

You know what, had Jon strolled over to his corner carrying Deigo and started discussing the afterparty plans, the judges would have had no choice but to give him the nod.

A defended take down means octagon control.

that was the old ufc