attn: KIRIK and UG

 Thank you for clicking my post. Let me start by saying a few years back, I was accused of some pretty bad shit, (stealing money) from a MMA Company That I had help start, becoming the matchmaker and even held the promoters license.

This was for a company called WFC Worldwide Fighting Championship, at the time of being falsely  accused, I could not at the time defend myself. Now is the time I can come back and explain my side and even show proof that the man behind the attack, is now in JAIL waiting to be sentenced.

The man behind the attach is GINO CARLUCCI, AKA Gene David Odus. (just google Gino Carlucci) and you can see for your self.

At the time several years back Gino went on the UG, and made a statement that I stole from the company and the UG responded by saying really bad things. This was FALSE and made my reputation even worse. You may not like me as a fighter, but I have never done anything wrong as a promoter! I have never stole money nor cheated fighters out of anything!!

I am posting this becasue for several years people on the UG post pictures of the hand in the cookie jar etc, and I want the truth to finally come out.

This was posted just days ago---------------------------------------------------------------------------------!

Department of Justice Seal Department of Justice

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TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2011



(202) 514-2007

TDD (202) 514-1888

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WASHINGTON - Gino Carlucci and Wayne Mounts, both residents of Arizona, have been convicted of conspiracy to commit money laundering and conspiracy to defraud the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Department of Justice and IRS announced today. A federal jury also convicted Carlucci for filing a false income tax return in 2004. The jury returned a not guilty verdict for Carlucci on a separate witness tampering charge. The verdict came following an eight day trial before Chief Judge Kathryn H. Vratil of the District of Kansas, sitting by special designation in Phoenix.

Carlucci and Mounts were indicted by a federal grand jury in April 2010. According to the evidence presented at trial, Carlucci and Mounts devised several false schemes to defraud Joseph Flickinger, a tax return preparer, and Flickinger’s taxpayer and investment clients out of funds and assets. Flickinger himself had been running a Ponzi-type scheme in which he defrauded his investment clients of their life savings. At the time of Carlucci and Mounts’s fraud, Flickinger was under indictment in the Southern District of Ohio on tax fraud charges.

As established at trial, Carlucci and Mounts’s false schemes included a purported investment in a fraudulent casino project in Antigua. In addition, at the time of the charged conduct, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had frozen all of Carlucci’s assets due to his involvement in a civil securities matter in Utah. Carlucci and Mounts’s second scheme involved defrauding Flickinger and others of money that was supposedly going to be used to pay Carlucci’s SEC penalty. Carlucci and Mounts had a third scheme which involved helping Flickinger hide from the government monies that he had defrauded from his own investment clients, in part by Carlcucci and Mounts promising to wire the funds through a series of accounts in the Caribbean so that the funds could not be traced or seized by the government.

The evidence at trial established that after getting the last of Flickinger’s funds, Carlucci set Flickinger up to be arrested by assisting him in arranging a private jet to flee to Antigua, where Flickinger believed the funds were hidden. Instead, Carlucci anonymously tipped off the government to the scheme, causing Flickinger to be arrested. Carlucci and Mounts then used the money for their own personal benefit by withdrawing cash in structured amounts and transferring cashier’s checks and wire transfers to nominee accounts for their own benefit. In addition, Carlucci and Mounts spent over $150,000 of the funds to buy a 43-foot luxury boat that Carlucci later concealed from the government for over two years. Despite personally benefitting from the money in 2004, Carlucci signed and filed a false individual income tax return that failed to report any of the money he got in the scheme, and instead reported that he was due a refund due to the Earned Income tax credit. The evidence showed that the government located and seized the boat, which was being hidden at an associate’s home in Phoenix, in 2007.

Chief Judge Vratil remanded both Carlucci and Mounts into custody pending their Oct. 3, 2011, sentencing. Carlucci and Mounts each face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for the conspiracy to commit money laundering conviction and a maximum sentence of five years in prison for the conspiracy to defraud the IRS conviction. Carlucci also faces an additional three years on the false return conviction.

Additional information about the Justice Department’s Tax Division and its enforcement efforts may be found at

John A. DiCicco, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Justice Department’s Tax Division, commended the special agents from the IRS Criminal Investigation Division who investigated the case as well as Tax Division attorneys Richard Rolwing, Hayden Brockett and Monica Edelstein who prosecuted the case. Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General DiCicco also thanked the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona for their assistance in this matter.

 I am just trying to clear my name and get this BS behind me. There were so many people that jumped on this band wagon to say i was a thief, and a bad guy. It was so stupid. But now I hope that you can see the real snake was GINO- He was the one scamming people, NOT ME. well you can read for your self.

Thank you,

just my .02


Hmmmmmm Phone Post

Sounds like a lot of shady people hanging out together. I hope you have learned from this and try not to hang around such questionable people. Phone Post

2011: The Year of the...


 I don't know why people give the Cannon so much shit. I wouldn't pay just to see him fight but at the same time he's not doing anything different from what thousands of boxers do.

10th Phone Post

In news people care more about, I took a shit and not one kernal of the corn on the cob I ate last sunday has shown up yet..

1 Like

Train Judo - In news people care more about, I took a shit and not one kernal of the corn on the cob I ate last sunday has shown up yet..


What is it you hope to accomplish with this thread or any of your posts for that matter?






Guy, you're a scumbag... If not for this, than 1000 other things youve been caught doing for the last 11 years here.  To try to say one single isolated incident that (in your own mind) you've cleared yourself of any accountability, then ylou've only re-enforced the UG concensus that your a fucking whack-a-do... You have been invollved with so much shady shit (sometimes caught and called out, and away from a compuyter to defend yourself) nobody here belives you or ANYTHING you say.  You are a sociopath, you belive your own lies and bullshit.  It would be a mute point for me to go case by case, I have plenty of times and I dont have the energy to cut and paste all the bullshit thats come form your keyboard/mouth over the years.  Evryone whos opinion on the UG that has been here since the beginning knows this.  You can come here and pan-hand for sympathy from some newer members (like the many young fighters you've had a hand in fucking over), but the rest of us know you are a slimy snake and you will never (nor are you capable of) changing your true colors... 

How arent you in jail yet?   My guess its just a matter of time...  This mans word is worth NOTHING, the only thing more certain than him never making it out of the first round is the fact that he'll fuck over ANYONE willing to give him any benifit of the doubt.

This has been a public service announcement from HybridJon

*Edited to correct a double negative (him outta the first round, BWAHAHAHAAA)


1 Like

This could be good. I'll get some dinner and be right back.

In on 1st page.

I could care less.

HYBRID JON - What is it you hope to accomplish with this thread or any of your posts for that matter?


Guy, you're a scumbag... If not for this, than 1000 other things youve been caught doing for the last 11 years here.  To try to say one single isolated incident that (in your own mind) you've cleared yourself of any accountability, then ylou've only re-enforced the UG concensus that your a fucking whack-a-do... You have been invollved with so much shady shit (sometimes caught and called out, and away from a compuyter to defend yourself) nobody here belives you or ANYTHING you say.  You are a sociopath, you belive your own lies and bullshit.  It would be a mute point for me to go case by case, I have plenty of times and I dont have the energy to cut and paste all the bullshit thats come form your keyboard/mouth over the years.  Evryone whos opinion on the UG that has been here since the beginning knows this.  You can come here and pan-hand for sympathy from some newer members (like the many young fighters you've had a hand in fucking over), but the rest of us know you are a slimy snake and you will never (nor are you capable of) changing your true colors... 

How arent you in jail yet?   My guess its just a matter of time...  This mans word is worth NOTHING, the only thing more certain than him never making it out of the first round is the fact that he'll fuck over ANYONE willing to give him any benifit of the doubt.

This has been a public service announcement from HybridJon

*Edited to correct a double negative (him outta the first round, BWAHAHAHAAA)


 I was going to do my patented HYBRID JON in 3..2..1.. post, but he beat me.

Shannon, there is no doubt those guys are crooks and convicts, but how does that exonerate you?  Just because they are guilty, that doesn't make you innocent.  One could question since you hang around them, it makes you guilty by association.  Do you have some tangible proof that clears you?

3t for Gannon

First thread I click on in 4 years and its a RitchGannon thread..LOL!

Haywood Jablowme -  I was going to do my patented HYBRID JON in 3..2..1.. post, but he beat me.

Shannon, there is no doubt those guys are crooks and convicts, but how does that exonerate you?  Just because they are guilty, that doesn't make you innocent.  One could question since you hang around them, it makes you guilty by association.  Do you have some tangible proof that clears you?

 Jablowme ESQ

Hessian - 3t for Gannon