ATTN: Kirik re-bluenames

Hey UG

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. I dont believe in them and have never owned one. I want to purchase a one and support this site but i dont know if there is any other way. If someone could let me know that would be much appreciated.


 I got mine with paypal.  Is that not offered anymore?

And I do have a pro membership.  I'm just posting as black as a tribute to Michael Jackson.


no offense, but in this day and age? "I don't beleive in them" usually really means "I can't get one"

 Usually that story is for trolls who don't want their identity to get out.

But I'm sure it's not your case. 

 TTT for Chris or Kirik

Jack Page - Hey UG

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. I dont believe in them and have never owned one. I want to purchase a one and support this site but i dont know if there is any other way. If someone could let me know that would be much appreciated.


helping to translate the above

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. = can i send you a check that will bounce?

I dont believe in them and have never owned one.(credit card)
= dude my credit has sucked since i was 18 and no one will give me one hell its so bad i cant even get a debit card

stkysmurff - 
Jack Page - Hey UG

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. I dont believe in them and have never owned one. I want to purchase a one and support this site but i dont know if there is any other way. If someone could let me know that would be much appreciated.


helping to translate the above

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. = can i send you a check that will bounce?

I dont believe in them and have never owned one.(credit card)
= dude my credit has sucked since i was 18 and no one will give me one hell its so bad i cant even get a debit card

LOL. That is fucking hilarious. Sorry im an accountant and i just dont see the point of paying 17-24 extra percent to purchase something. i manage my money very well and I am betting i live better than most on this site. If you dont believe me fine. Im was wondering if i could use a debit or paypal. if i can great. Thx for the info to anyone who knows. and no im not asking to sned a check through teh mail.

double post

Jack Page - 
stkysmurff - 
Jack Page - Hey UG

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. I dont believe in them and have never owned one. I want to purchase a one and support this site but i dont know if there is any other way. If someone could let me know that would be much appreciated.


helping to translate the above

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. = can i send you a check that will bounce?

I dont believe in them and have never owned one.(credit card)
= dude my credit has sucked since i was 18 and no one will give me one hell its so bad i cant even get a debit card

LOL. That is fucking hilarious. Sorry im an accountant and i just dont see the point of paying 17-24 extra percent to purchase something. i manage my money very well and I am betting i live better than most on this site. If you dont believe me fine. Im was wondering if i could use a debit or paypal. if i can great. Thx for the info to anyone who knows. and no im not asking to sned a check through teh mail.

You are also obviously a liar because an actual accountant would know that if you pay your balance every month, you never pay any interest charges. Interest only accumulates when you leave a balance. You don't pay an extra 17% on anything as long as you pay your balance every month.


I have perfect credit and a real job...But I don't really use credit/debit cards (though I do have them). I even pay my gym membership with a Money Order (no joke!) because they will only take credit cards or Money Orders (they won't take cash). Send Kirik a money order. PS: You can't sign up for EBAY anymore unless you have Paypal now.

DannyOcean - 
Jack Page - 
stkysmurff - 
Jack Page - Hey UG

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. I dont believe in them and have never owned one. I want to purchase a one and support this site but i dont know if there is any other way. If someone could let me know that would be much appreciated.


helping to translate the above

Im just wondering if there is any other way of purchasing a bluename besides credit card. = can i send you a check that will bounce?

I dont believe in them and have never owned one.(credit card)
= dude my credit has sucked since i was 18 and no one will give me one hell its so bad i cant even get a debit card

LOL. That is fucking hilarious. Sorry im an accountant and i just dont see the point of paying 17-24 extra percent to purchase something. i manage my money very well and I am betting i live better than most on this site. If you dont believe me fine. Im was wondering if i could use a debit or paypal. if i can great. Thx for the info to anyone who knows. and no im not asking to sned a check through teh mail.

You are also obviously a liar because an actual accountant would know that if you pay your balance every month, you never pay any interest charges. Interest only accumulates when you leave a balance. You don't pay an extra 17% on anything as long as you pay your balance every month.


Sorry didnt realize I needed to state the obvious for the slower people on this site. Obviously you dont pay interest if you pay it off each month. I was just asking a question and looking to see if i could get an answer from somebody who could actually tell me. Im not going to get into a pissing match with a trolling douche like you.

Sorry didnt realize I needed to state the obvious for the slower people on this site. Obviously you dont pay interest if you pay it off each month. I was just asking a question and looking to see if i could get an answer from somebody who could actually tell me. Im not going to get into a pissing match with a trolling douche like you.

Obviously I am the trolling douche, not the guy who claims to be a professional accountant but doesn't know how credit or debit cards work.

this is why I luv the UG...

DannyOcean - 
not the guy who claims to be a professional accountant but doesn't know how credit or debit cards work.

This thread turned out really well for Mr Page. I'm sure excited about hiring him for my accountant. But sine he lives better than most here, he probably wouldn't be interested.

I know lots of accountants that don't use debit cards...... Don't you?

I mean, look at all the places you can use checks at!

It does make sense that someone that lives so well can't figure out how to manage a payment that's less than a meal at a restaurant.

All said, I'm interested in seeing that debit card that has a 17 to 24% Interest Rate. You know, the cards they give out free with every checking account at every bank in the us.


lol this place is brutal, that being said debit cards. and with the recent passing of credit card legislation they were contemplating accrual of interest from the moment of purchase as a way to offset late/APR fee reductions. so those of you who pay in full you may want to keep an eye on it.

i have debit cards just no credit cards. I can rent cars, book flights, reserve hotels through the company i work for so it is no prob. I have never had issues getting anything because of not having a credit card. I just like to know where all my money is at all times. Most people these days dont know the balance of their checking and savings accounts never mind how to balance a checkbook. And then they wonder why they have no money and when they lose their jobs they are fucked after 1 month, because they live month to month because of their debt load. You guys how no clue how many people i have counseled in the last year due to loss of income and credit card debt. I wont let it happen to me. most people do not use credit responsibly and pay it off every month. They think after their money from savings/checking accounts are gone now its time to use the CC.

 Email me please

FondledbyFisher -  I got mine with paypal.  Is that not offered anymore?

And I do have a pro membership.  I'm just posting as black as a tribute to Michael Jackson.

Then you won't be posting as black for long.

thanks Kirik