Never Mind
Edited Post
Best thread eva.
Now you show up Halz. Man, you shoulda been there Saturday, she beat the crap out of me.
Holly is getting annoying. She is small and getting some good skills which amkes her harder and harder to submit. Now once she gets some attacks down she will be deadly.
Don't you dare teach her any attacks. I wanna stand at least some kind of chance against that little monster. She is going to be a terror once she works out with Henry for several years.
Just think Halz, you only gotta stall for a few more weeks and then you can start teaching finishes again.
No LOL at me! LilJJChick came do our gym this weekend and we finally gave her a good workout. She told me, she almost fell asleep on the way home she was so tired. I guess it did not hurt that we had like 15 people for her to pick on this weekend. I hope we made her first trip to Des Moines to roll an enjoyable one.
By the way, Greg you only have one more week to hold off on teaching those finishes. Does Ms JJChick leave this coming weekend for school?
Yeah pretty soon. I have shown plenty of finsishes, but Ms. Validictorian does not seem to remember them.
I guess that is not true she is getting to be quite the gi choker.
I did not notice the gi choke thing. Maybe I just kept myself out of her choke range. Which is pretty easy considering her short arms.
Just hold out until the end of the week man. We just don't need her being able to finish. That is a good thing for all people involved. I will say, she looked like she was having fun working with that Judo chick on Saturday.
This has been a UG moment.
(cue music)
I was serious about gi chokes! BTW I have been focusing on beating her lately as it could be the last time I get to do so before she comes back all mean and kills us all on the mat.
I should have done that. I was just trying to roll all smooth and not do submissions, but I should have gone for more finishes while she was still able to be beat. After four or five years of working with that guy up in college, she is gonna be unstoppable. (Strokes LilJJChicks ego so she does not beat the crap out of me later)
I know you are talking about me with that out of shape comment. I will have you know, I am in a good shape, it is called 'round'
You have a boyfriend? Man, I gotta quite telling all my friends that you are cute and available!
what are you talking about i never hit on you?
You know, informing them of that only makes them try harder. So which place did you decide to train at?
T-minus 12 days until her boyfriend is dumped.
Good to hear from you Holly, I was going through pink withdrawl tonight.