Rorny Gracie wrote:

Doc gimme a break man. Stop with the "its the first time running the camera" bullshit. How hard is it to point the camera to what you wanna film? Even a fucken monkey can do it. I don't know where mmahawaii got you from but you are NOT good for the sport. You come across as a retard when interviewing people by fucking up their names and asking them retarded questions not to mention that shit you do with your eyes. I'd probably like you more if you wasnt such a fucken nigger.

A thread just for you since you like to lurk this site. I'm posting this here so you can continue to lurk and not have to log in next door, mahalo. I'll be hanging here for a while, so please create an account log in and post.

DocMason wrote:

Hmm, next time I'll be sure to ask only for the mmacritic, as R. Gracie, you still cling to the hate years of being bullied in school will fuel.

Bro, this is the second time you've called me a ninja, can't you come more original? I guess not, kind of like the way you have yet to take up T.Jay Thompson's offer to come roll with us at ICON.

Once again, I don't normally run the camera, and if you want a better copy of the fights from HFC I'm sure Bruddah Sly or someone from HFC will be happy to sell you a DVD.

Oh and about that one chic you mentioned earlier. Bro, if I had any idea that she was your moms, I would have not let her get with Dirty Curty, believe that.

Do you even train? If so, let's set up a Super Fight at NAGA, so I call roll you up, tap you out and give you a hearty pat on that back as recieve my belt.

So please keep my name out of your mouth, and I'll promise that DC and I will stop grounding and pounding your moms. But... She likes the third hook, what can I say?

Calling me a ninja?

Bro, I'm sure I'm more Hawaiian than your @$$ could ever hope to be? are you even registered? Have you placed you real F--king? name? I thought so, And FYI wearing an Aniofea shirt and going to some hotel luaa doesn't make you down, doubt you @$$ has even 1/32nd of Hawaiian blood.

So R. Gracie go on keep ranting, call me a ninja all you want over the interweb. I made this post originally to get some of mmahawaii's colorful poster's POV. While mmacritic provided his, you have yet to provide yours. This proves yet again why you aren't cerebral enough to keep up with the peeps on the HG. It moves fast, slurs and insults don't move a conversation.

R. Gracie, I guess you must think you know me. I'm sure if are paths ever crossed you would give and a hi-five, tell me what a great job I'm doing, and then come back to your computer and spread your hate and discontent.

I guess I need to apologize for thinking your were up for intelligent conversation. I am sorry, and it won't happen again. So now I will go back to being the ninja you love to hate, and conduct more lame-ass interviews with Hawaii's up and coming fighters, as I do that thing with my eyes.

Woogie Woogie


 Oh yeah,

The only thing I have ever seen you do wrong is fail to wear a Ku shirt or the next best thing sub cult..

Get that fixed and your a ok in my book!

Rorny Gracie dont post here

DocMason -
Rorny Gracie wrote:
... I'd probably like you more if you wasnt such a fucken nigger


Speaking with my 'Mod' hat on here...

I feel for you, bro. This kind of language is just plain wrong. But I gotta tell you that we can't have a dispute like this, especially with this racial verbiage, brought to the HG.

Your HG mods Mark, Mike, Moke, and myself are going to keep our eyes on this thread cuz we don't want it getting ugly.

Thanks Doc.

leave garbage like this in the dump--where it belongs.

How do you become a mod?

KUIndustries - How do you become a mod?

Its not an easy process, but let me say that Kirik is hung like a horse.

KUIndustries - How do you become a mod?

you mix dirt amd water and you become mod.j/k


what goes on over there?

I like Norm and the others I've met from the magazine, but the HG takes up all of my time as it is.

thats some messed up stuff that guy wrote for sure but please leave that over there.

I've seen you get into some debates here but I've never seen anyone call you THAT here.

Rock it Don't stop it Bruthah.

is it me or the font is slant?


Friends/Mods Please excuse my mess, as I do not want to bring the drama here.. The person called to ATTN in this thread is an admitted HG Lurker, just wanted them to get the message. Perhaps they will create an account an learn how to carry on an intelligent conversation on MMA, ACAI and wimmenz.

 Again thanks something for your troubles.



i think Doc found the best way to achieve world peace. or piece. 

PatrickFreitas - 
KUIndustries - How do you become a mod?

Its not an easy process, but let me say that Kirik is hung like a horse.

LMFAO cause i know it's true!

*oh wait.........DOH!!!

mmasupporter - is it me or the font is slant?

Oh what?

we can't say the "N" word but its ok to attack Asians?


this was drama from the start...

we dont want no drama drama.....

who u kidding, YES WE DO.

mmasupporter - is it me or the font is slant?

Oh what?

we can't say the "N" word but its ok to attack Asians?
