Attn: Menjivar managment

Someone from Ivan Menjivar's management team, could you please have Ivan get in touch with me?

I'd like to interview him for before his UFC fight.

ttt for Scott and Nathan.


thanks JHR, btw, the Leafs are f*ucked (Hint: That word rhymes with duck). Go Sens!


Im deleting this thread bitch....



RKing85 I will get ahold of Scott and Ivan for you.

Thank you.


RKing85 I just e-mailed you the details.

thanks nathan. appreicate it.

a just in case TTT!


Rking, catch the game last night ??

lol what a beautiful day in Ottawa to get a round of golf in...

leafs are done

I hate the Flyers. Can't stand the whole bunch of them. I find Philly fans second rate citizens as well(Jamie I know you are reading this!!).

gord, I beg to differ... :)