I heard you almost started a fight after the weigh-ins.
explain yourself!
oh man?
oh man.. monkey 401 is doing it for team hawaii.
In all seriousness: I had a head on collision w/ Robin Williams. Fro real, he looked wasted & was ready to take on all takers. I respectfully appoligized w/ a wave.
I also had an incident w/ a Sherk fan. He didn't approve of the wifeys team Penn shirt(courtesey of J.Naks @ SCRAPYARD).
I think it started by him looking @ the wifeys "rack", then in his drunken gaze noticed TeamPenn below that. "Uugghhh...BJ". As he waved his fried twinkie & pink drink of doom, I told him "I'll cut the bacon off ur back u fat fucking pig" as I pointed my deep fried pizza @ him.the end
*looked at Wifey's rack? Damn brave man!
HGDS in the Hizzous MFers!!!!
401 knows how to use the distraction technique....
"Hey look @ my wife's rack..."
*falsecrackmedivac from the back
*takes fried twinky & pink drink
Pan, I heard Mork is a Prof. in Jiujitsu.
you got lucky buddy.
If you pick a fight with Robin williams you'll get mob owned by his 10 different personalities. Troof
Robin Williams FTW by nanu-nanu sub:(
Robin Williams is a blue belt in Jiu-Manji.
401 - You take your camera up?
401 better have his friggen camera!!
I was planning on picking a fight w/Wanderlei Silva & didn't wanna damage it!
J/k I only have 1 back up camera body & if damaged during flight that would suck. I brought only my little cybershot & wifey brought her powershot:(
Hot damn pan! Just throw up the signal and me n phenom will be there to help regulate these fools! Disrespecting our wiminz? Sheeeet, only we are allowed to do that! I don't care if he made mrs. Doubtfire... I will destroy robin muthaeffin williams via nanu nanu bar!
Hey Nolan,
Tell Machida he's wearing my shirt! Then go and get it back for me ok?!?!
Robin Williams is one of the countless Jewish american actors in Hollywood. . .
Wasn't jiu-jitsu originally the martial art taught to the Jews?
Robin studied Jew-Jitsu and acting at the Julliard School in NYC, down the street from Renzo's school.
Sorry, I couldn't resist : (
BTW: LMFAO @ Look @ my wifey's rack distraction technique followed with false crack medivac