ATTN Nathan!!!!

Nathan, I think that I'm going to see if I can get enough interest in getting a Lance Storm seminar series going. We'll get is somewhere around here (North Bay) and you can bring some of your guys if your up for it.

I think as a Canadian I should be learning Dungeon style catch wrestling. Do you think Lance would be a great teacher? Do you think the seminars would be too expensive?

Do it. Preserve what you love.

Well, I must say, that sounds like a great idea, Nick! I'd be up for it.

Another name that occurred to me was Ole Olsen. Olsen used to wrestle out of Winnipeg in the 1950's, and was trained by none other than Tony Stecher. If memory recalls, he had a very distinguished amateur career as well. I'm not sure if Ole Olsen is still alive, but it may be worth looking into.


Nathan, what is your relation to Lance Storm? Did you train at the infamous Dungeon? Do you or have you done pro wrestling? If you have a story to tell, I'd love to hear it on Bryan Alvarez's show. He has Lance storm on every two weeks or so, btw.


To steal a line from Mark Twain, It seems that the rumors of my LIFE have been greatly exaggerated!

I have no relation to Lance Storm, nor the Harts, nor pro wrestling, at least in its current form. I'm just a historian who focuses on early 20th century wrestling, primarily in Canada, nothing more!
