*ATTN: Ref for Wand/Liddell*

Please don't fuck up this fight.

We have been waiting too long to see Wand and Chuck throw down, so don't fuck it up by stopping it short of someone dying.

We need a good clean outcome, not some early stoppage or cut controversy.

Actually it would be good if we didn't even notice you. Thanks.

and watch for "accidental" thumbs

...and keep an eye on Wand if it goes to the ground. He has been promising that he wants to get that third hook in for over a year now.

And if Wandy stomps a downed Chuck to the body, please don't yell out a warning or stop it. He knows what he's doing and doesn't need you fucking up his groove.

I seriously wish the next uncreative faggot to bring up the thumb incident a slow painful death.

Just hope they let Wanderlai recover if he gets stunned

Accidental groin kicks is for the Matt's fight.

The ref should have to stand outside of the cage for this one. No screw ups allowed!. No judges either, they should just fight until someone is out.

"And if Wandy stomps a downed Chuck to the body, please don't yell out a warning or stop it. He knows what he's doing and doesn't need you fucking up his groove."

Stomps to the body are illegal. The rule is just "no stomping" and a fighter in one of the last WEC events had a point taken away immediately for it. Soccer kicks to the body are fine.

Evil Master is right.

You know either Chuck or Wandy will get stunned.

Hopefully the ref won't jump in hero style and stop it.

We don't need another Tito/Shamrock happening. Its living death we are after here.

"I seriously wish the next uncreative faggot to bring up the thumb incident a slow painful death."

You should try taking internet message boards less seriously then.

Sounds like a job for Ivan Drago.

"If he dies, he dies"

please don't fuck up this fight ref

though I'm sure Dana wants this even more than us.

After waiting and trying for so long, I bet Dana would shit his pants if the ref found a way to screw up the outcome of this fight.

I agree, if the ref is reading, dont fuck it up. let them fight till someone is out completely. no early stoppages, or questionable calls. You are not even to be noticed.

All for Hellen Keller, say "aye"

Herb Dean will do just fine.

Chuck via Decision.

Matt vs Ref Stoppage.

Prediction made.