Attn: Saucy re: TUF3 tryouts in MA

Hi Beth,

I'd like to attend the TUF3 tryouts in Newton, MA as a journalist and wanted to find out if I need to get any press credentials or if I can just show up.  I'd like to briefly interview some of the participants in the tryout, and, if possible, talk to someone from Zuffa or The Ultimate Fighter show.  I'm planning to write a short feature article on the tryouts & participants.

I am a columnist and arts & culture editor for The Record, the independent (and only) newspaper at Harvard Law School, and the oldest law school paper in the country.  It is both an online & print publication.  I have written several articles about the UFC and MMA in the past, see: (third section) (third item)



ttt for sure!



Are there going to be tryouts on the Pacific side?




ttt for Beth.  does anyone have her email from some previous interaction?  I've tried to message her through the UG message system, but I don't know if she checks that regularly

thanks for the ttts - beth got in touch with me.

hopefully you'll be able to read my article online late next week (we have a one week production cycle and the deadline for this week's issue is today)

you should apply to insidefighting :)

lol I want to go to Harverd.

Hey Sijan,

Try to interview Sean Salmon. He's got an actual appointment with the UFC brass for the casting call. He's an outstanding wrester (I believe he's beaten Trigg), a level-headed guy, and a great friend/training partner. Look for him to make some big waves if he chooses to seriously pursue MMA as a career... especially if he gets chosen to be on TUF 3.

thanks for the tip - what's his record?  I see he's 1-0 on Sherdog, but that's often incomplete