ShannonRitch - lol at you guys, there was an offer made I think it was 3500 winner take all, and airfair +hotel. Now HYBIRD says no, no i wanna fight for ...? but the question is, why the hell would I pay for me and my cornerman.. That doesnt make any sense. I am a professional Fighter no matter what you think, I dont pay for travel. I dont think any real fighter would.(NOT THESE DAYS) guys can say what you want about me, HYBIRD you can come visit me where I train anytime, LIONS DEN have an open invite.
PS- there was never anything that said I would ever leave the UG this place is too funny!


...This is going to get good. What say you Mouth?

Oh, Shannon, you are a bitch. The only thing that is even remotely funny is how many times you have came running back to the UG claiming you were a changed man only to fuck fighters and promoters over right and left and not living up to your obligations.

Surprise Surprise you're doing it again...


Paying for your airfare and then getting re-imbursed is NOT the same as paying you dumbass. You're getting re-imbursed! Your reputation is such, that nobody fuckin trusts your ass and wont spend a dime on you because of your prior tactics. You have done this to yourself, it took years of bullshit for you to gain this reputation, it didnt just suddenly appear one day out of the blue. I was looking for friends to bet that you wouldnt show but they knew better than to take that bet. Ive never ever bashed a FIGHTER before because Ive trained with a few high level ones and alot of low level ones and Ive seen what they go through and the sacrifices they make. You, do not fit that desciption.

Shannon you are a complete peice of shit.

I side with Shannon on this one.

The guy is all class and has done a lot for the sport.

Show some respect!

Fabes - 

I side with Shannon on this one.

The guy is all class and has done a lot for the sport.

Show some respect!

 You're kidding, right?


Fabes - 


 Thank God LoL

PoppaShango - fabes is classy!

as long as you consider calling the cops after you get slapped around at a party classy

And I do!




ShannonRitch - lol at you guys, there was an offer made I think it was 3500 winner take all, and airfair +hotel. Now HYBIRD says no, no i wanna fight for ...? but the question is, why the hell would I pay for me and my cornerman.. That doesnt make any sense. I am a professional Fighter no matter what you think, I dont pay for travel. I dont think any real fighter would.(NOT THESE DAYS) guys can say what you want about me, HYBIRD you can come visit me where I train anytime, LIONS DEN have an open invite.
PS- there was never anything that said I would ever leave the UG this place is too funny!

 Go fuck yourself.

 Mouth, you gotta' have a better response than that... COME ON!

Man...sad to see when ill opinions about a man are confirmed like this.

are you guys still with this???

 So, basically, Mouth was covering his ass because, if he paid for flight, etc. for Shannon, he knew there was a possibilty Shannon wouldnt show and he'd be out the cash so, this would assure him that Shannon was coming.

I see nothing wrong with this. Shannon, be a fucking man

 KManKK, yes it was in the contract and here is one of the many e-mails fropm Shannon stateing he was aware of what was in the contract andhi agreeing to it... You een get to rea aportion where he is pleaing with the promoter that he is looking to turn a new leaf, and how he's gotten a bad rap in the sport... here ya go.


"-----Original Message-----
From: shannon ritch <>
Sent: Thu, 13 Mar 2008 1:17 pm
Subject: Re: from shannon ritch


Jacob, so basics are all we need is Current Bloodwork? correct
HIV, HEP pannel?
I know I have a bad name out there for some- others really like me, Im trying to be a better fighter and good guy all around, YES I did some dumb things in my past but This guy Jon hates me for ?? I guess Its personal
I will show up in shape, make weight and bring a tough ass fight.
thats all you can ask for. and I promise you I will not TAP OUT-
I comming to fight!
Okay- If I have your word that we will be reembursed on flights, you got it.
May 30th correct.
I need to know the name of wich airport to fly into:
PS good luck with your promotion
Best wishes"


Shannon is not going to get banned.

Unforunately, and not only in this sport but in just about anything else, verbal agreements and "emails" don't mean shit. It turns into "I said/you said" and copy/paste emails can be easily altered. If it's not signed on paper in front of a public notary, it doesn't mean shit.

At least The Mouth got a good experience in all of this - don't make fights public unless you have both fighters signed and ready to go. Don't take this experience too seriously, it will happen just about every time you're matchmaking. "Noshows" are a dime a dozen in regional shows. Mouth, best of luck in your new venture as a promoter, buddy.

Hybrid, let it go. You make it seem like Shannon stepped on your Crayon in Kindergarden. Keep on training and if you ever want to come fight in Mexico, just let me know - whether it's against Shannon or anyone else.

Why wasn't he banned. Talk about ghey.

Typical Shannon bullshit. I hope he doesnt ever get another job in MMA again. And that goes for worked fights as well.

 While I appreciate the offer and the advice NHBMEX, we are involved in a sport where we dont have agents and high priced lawyers putting together contracts for us.  Instead, we have the simple system of "A fight and terms are presented" and the fighter responds, wether it be verbal, E-mail or otherwise.  In this case Shannon accepted the fight both verbally and via E-mail.  I trained hard for almost a month, my corner and trainers made appropriations to be there for me sometimes 3 times a day.  Im sure time and efforts were alos made by Jacob in regards to this matter.  So we both have reasonable reasons to be bitter at this cock sucker.  I understand you have worked with Shanon before, and I understand that you too made a bid for this fight to happen.  Perhaps if I hadn't made a commitment to Jacob the fight would have (Almost) happened elsewhere.  But thats one of the main differences between Shannon the Cunt and me.  Thats the difference between Shannon The Cunt and 99.9% of fighters in this sport, their word and commitment means somthing.  So again, thanks for the offer. Perhaps in the future we may do somthing, this isnt going to deter me from fighting again in any form.  As far as the crayon comment, no biggie.  As a promoter, how would feel if Shannon and I accepted your offer 1) Via public forum, 2) via E-Mail and 3) verbally via phone???? Only for him to pull-out a month later?  If I sound like he stepped on my crayon in kindergarten, please give me your opinion on what his actions resemble to you.  Thanks again and best of luck to you with your production, Jon