attn:sreiter, prybar


If you download the clip of Luis's soflo2 you will see part of the prybar at the 5:55 second mark of the clip, you won't see the whole thing but part of it to get the idea.


iy looks like normal side control (that we talked about)_ but with the guys arm across your chest - you move into kesaga tome to stop his under hook, then just recover side control by killing his under hooking arm -

i just go reverse kesaga tome to kill the under hook

lmao @ pry bar - like someone said - nameing something is cool because it helps you remember the tech, but the name should actually mean something -


No, because you are missing the whole first part where the guy turns into you and you use that grip and twist to put him on his back. I just wanted you to get an idea of what I meant.

