attn: tait fletcher

i forgot your email address.  what is it?

I believe it's or

real funny guys.  i almost dropped my lube

If ya cant find him you probably can go thru Alberto Crane

or Eddie Bravo but I'm not sure

i see him at training, but i cant remember his email when im in front of a computer.

i know you read this fucking forum

He's ignoring you...

ratherchokeuout@aol---dont send more pix of your mom though--no
matter how much you offer, I just cant do it!!!!

Who are you anyway BUFFGEO? I asked b4 and you never replied. Do I
know you??

and you "ringgirl"???? Why you gotstabe lookin soooo good?

ahhhhhh--big bald george from Amal's place!!!!!! Wassup bud!!!