Attn: Tara Larosa

We are interviewing as many of the HnS Evolution fighters as we can on’s MMA Evolution. Thus far we have had two great interviews with Australia’s Mandy Stewart and Jennifer Howe’s Opponent Heather Soderquist.

These have been two of the best interviews we have had on the show. We are doing our utmost to promote what I think is going to be one of the most significant MMA Cards of the year.
You always have something interesting to say; we would love to hear you say it on MMA Evolution.

Send me a note at and we will get this set up.

Thanks Mike



ttt for my love of Tara is strong ;)


hey Mike - do you have any of the DVD's of your past few events that you could loan me? If so can you bring them tonight?

She's having a hard time with her internet. I have her cell number. E-mail me at and I'll give it to you.
