Attn Uncle Dana: re streaming

Looking forward to the fights tonight!

I have a respectful? streaming question for you, if you would be so inclined..

ive been a fan for a minute. These days I only buy big cards I really like/are convenient. I do agree when it comes to people pirating, "THATS ILLEGAL!"

However, as someone based in North America, it does rustle my jimmies that other markets pay just a fraction (or it's on cable) for 'ppv' events. 

I get it from a profitability perspective, but respectfully, it makes me want to kick you in the balls. 

Now, I’m  not letting out any national security secrets here, don’t anyone fret… but I’m wondering if you feel using a VPN to get it cheaper in another market is ‘cheating’. I’m not sure where I stand on that. But with prices going up, it arguably becomes just good consumer price shopping. What do you think?  


anyway- you and your team have done an amazing job for the past year. I could just kiss that bald head! Looking forward to fights tonight, as usual!


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Great question. Ttt for dfw 

Pastafarianism and all that good stuff. Where in the little Dana White rule book does it say you have to physically be in a location in order to pay 8 dollars to watch an event? If you can virtually tunnel to Kathmandu and pay nothing for an event who is to complain? You can argue your spiritual self is squatting  over a hole on a mountain side watching the fights and as far as you are concerned you are in Kathmandu. Heaven help, or Rigatoni help whoever dares question your beliefs. Lawsuit incoming which you will win.

In for that fucking loser, EKPOGI, to show up and tell you to move to another country if you want cheaper UFC PPVs.

Bilge Water -

In for that fucking loser, EKPOGI, to show up and tell you to move to another country if you want cheaper UFC PPVs.

Yeah, that guy is a fucking faggot. He probably profits off of broadcasting bullshit somehow too. 

HillboFrateTrane -
Bilge Water -

In for that fucking loser, EKPOGI, to show up and tell you to move to another country if you want cheaper UFC PPVs.

Yeah, that guy is a fucking faggot. He probably profits off of broadcasting bullshit somehow too. 

That man is a Thread Killer Jones. 


Is it stealing if you share your PPV with neighbors and they pay $20 each?

So if you watch the stream you are safe but if you provide it it's illegal? That's the way it's always been unless things have changed? You shouldn't need a vpn or am I wrong?

texastoaster -

So if you watch the stream you are safe but if you provide it it's illegal? That's the way it's always been unless things have changed? You shouldn't need a vpn or am I wrong?

You are 100% correct. The way it sounded tho is OP does want to pay some but not the $75 but I am also studying electrical work while I was ready his post so I could be wrong.

Bilge Water -

In for that fucking loser, EKPOGI, to show up and tell you to move to another country if you want cheaper UFC PPVs.

I just now asked him about this.

texastoaster -

So if you watch the stream you are safe but if you provide it it's illegal? That's the way it's always been unless things have changed? You shouldn't need a vpn or am I wrong?


Watch it all you want.

Jusr don’t broadcast a stream.

Anyone needs a stream tonight shoot me a pm


Not really sure how vpn/ppv works.

Say tonight, i do take a short trip to Katmandu, just for the night. 

I just turn on espn+, and pay $2.99 and a couple chickens for the ppv? I have the chickens, and can pack them in my backpack.

eubie5 -

Not really sure how vpn/ppv works.

Say tonight, i do take a short trip to Katmandu, just for the night. 

I just turn on espn+, and pay $2.99 and a couple chickens for the ppv? I have the chickens, and can pack them in my backpack.

You have a better chance at watching a stable stream illegally than dealing with ESPN/UFC app.

Just steal it bro.

You probably already know this but other markets, say the UK where I’m from, have to watch from 03:00-07:00. No one is paying top price for a PPV at that time. Some will watch live (not many) and most will watch the next day so basically paying for a pre recorded event which again no one is paying top price for. 


I don’t think they have any choice but to reduce prices in those markets for reasons stated. 


That aside the price you guys have to pay in the US seems incredibly high, I have genuine empathy for you guys. The card is pretty average overall, the main and co main being the only PPV worthy fights. 

colubrid1 - Is it stealing if you share your PPV with neighbors and they pay $20 each?

It is if you have 20 neighbours over! 

multiculturaljoseph - 

Anyone needs a stream tonight shoot me a pm

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colubrid1 -
multiculturaljoseph - 

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multiculturaljoseph -
colubrid1 -
multiculturaljoseph - 

Anyone needs a stream tonight shoot me a pm

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