Authority Figure-Please do not WELCH

zackthewop - So you're calling out someone for welching on a bet he made with someone else?

Why isn't the other guy taking care of this? And why do you feel like you have too?

BTW I am not taking Afs side. Welching is bs. Phone Post 3.0

Your last sentence answers 2/3 of your questions. As for the 3rd, I can't answer for him.

Let the votes be cast.

Stan Wang - Welcoming==Welching Phone Post 3.0

Hmmm. The Stan I knew had a middle name.... Phone Post 3.0

Shouldn't have taken the bet. Phone Post 3.0

ProteinBake - 

Authority Figure is a welching welcher. 



clearly Authority Figure lost the best

Wow, i only read OPs first couple posts, so I don't know if AuthorityFigure showed up and conceded but he should absolutely be banned if he doesn't come through with the $50 and the s/n change.

It is outrageous how quick he said it was a fluke and should not count. A fluke would be Silva destroying his leg by planting wrong or getting it caught in the cage, Weidman used a technique which resulted in the leg snap. Weidman caused the injury tko.

I also get the sense that if it was Weidman who had his leg snapped by the same technique AuthorityFigure would not feel the same way.

I hope the mods jump on this and ban him if he doesn't come through. Phone Post 3.0

If a mod doesn't step in and ban him (surely welching on miney and s/n bets is a ban) then he should just be continually froze by vote downs. I've never been someone who liked the idea that vote downs could result in a freeze but this is one situation where that feature could enforce some justice if authorityfigure continues to Welch. Phone Post 3.0

Where you at, AF, where you at?!

let's say when the fight starts, Anderson slips, falls and knocks himself out at 4:58 of the first round, before Weidman even touches him, and Weidman gets the win by REF stoppage.

Even then Authority Figure should pay, it is still a LOSS, that is all that fucking matters when it comes to a bet....

Sub for authorityfaggot's response Phone Post 3.0

Posts5035FightsWatched0 - He said he was out of town for new Years until tonight. So hopefully he squares up tonight. Phone Post 3.0

Although he has had the 29th, 30th, and 31st to do it.

When I lost, my sn was changed the very next day along with many other screen names.


I just get the feeling that AF never took who he was challenging serious and felt that if he welched on someone like him, nobody would care.  It's the principle. 

This bet really stood out to me as I saw the thread and read it from page 1 and was very entertained and then when I saw the cop out, it didn't sit well.

Yeah AF had plenty of time to square up, pay up and get his name changed. The fact he really tried to pull the "it shouldn't count" card is absolute bullshit. Phone Post 3.0

... So... what's his new screen name gonna be? The poster that Authority Figure made this bet with had several good ideas, in my opinion... Phone Post 3.0


Pay up. Phone Post 3.0

Phone Post 3.0

WuDaddy - Phone Post 3.0
So on board with this.. Phone Post 3.0

Its just 50 dollars and a screenname change. Its not like he i asking you to bend over and get a coconut shoved up your ass Phone Post 3.0

Fuck you Authority Figure.

Authority Figure -
neil11 - AF was posting pics on the OG yesterday. I asked him if he had paid up and he mysteriously disappeared.... Phone Post 3.0
Son. I don't even know you. No one knows you. You're practically invisible. Phone Post 3.0

/thread Phone Post 3.0