Avocado = Super Food

Anyone know any negatives of this fruit?

All that I read is that it has 10 times as much potassium as bananas and lowers your bad cholesterol.

Can you think of a reason not to eat one everyday?

You will get fat.

I am not too big on the taste but I consume 4-5 fruits a day based on my needs. morning to replenish lost glycogen during sleep, often times a fruit before working out and some fruit post work out for recovery.

it is (i believe) all mono unsaturated fat so you're good.

as long as you watch the caloric intake (do not believe that calorie-in calorie-out nonsense, it's about WHICH calories you take in) and it won't make you fat.

ArthurKnoqOut - I am not too big on the taste

Easily solved. Mash 1 avocado with a pinch of salt. Then slowly add in the juice of 2-3 limes until the taste is right. A really simple guacamole. Served chilled. It's amazing.

U4EA - 
ArthurKnoqOut - I am not too big on the taste

Easily solved. Mash 1 avocado with a pinch of salt. Then slowly add in the juice of 2-3 limes until the taste is right. A really simple guacamole. Served chilled. It's amazing.

I was actually going to add that Avocado is only good for guacamole. I add a bit of kosher salt (best absorption properties) and add juice of limes and a lemon (half n half). but i also red some peppers, cilantro, and a sweet onion!

I love avocados.

ALL of these supposed health benefits are completely false.

What good are healthy fats & cholesterol & potassium if it makes your throat swell shut as you shit your pants and keel over dead?

I'm allergic.

Avocados are great!  Guacamole is delicious, but avocados taste just fine.  I slice them up and put them on sandwiches/burgers, and throw them into the blender with a bunch of other stuff for a shake.

 I add them to shakes or just eat them right out of the peel with a spoon and a little salt. If you really don't like the taste, I suggest adding them to a shake with some fruit, berries, plain yogurt and natural fruit or vegetable juice. 

great food.

Just started eating them regularly. They are delicious.

I like mine with some fresh squeezed lime juice on it.

dont forget to add some tomatoes when making the gauc! I even put in some worscheshire sauce. Sounds weird but you gotta try it. It works so well with the salt taste.

I like to cut it in half vertically, remove the pit, and add a teaspoon of good balsamic vinegar to the pit depression. It's out of this world.