Awesome Fan Made Strikeforce HWGP Promo - Video

I gotta admit...I'm pretty pumped for this tournament. I just hope it goes smooth without any shady or controversial shit involved.

May the best man win.

The guy has a bunch of videos on his youtube page. Check them out here.

if he would of added the Fedor wink at the end it would have been epic

woo woo

Ktaco - if he would of added the Fedor wink at the end it would have been epic

Wanna hear something really epic...A little birdy told me that Coker is contemplating using the crazy PRIDE lady Lenne Hardt as the ring announcer for this tournament! That would be some epic shit right there!

Strikeforce is taking on the role of PRIDE. Which is a smart move.

They've even set up a petition to get her in. You can check that out By Clicking Here.

Nice video. cant wait to watch it unfold