Babalu talks choke & Strikeforce


“Of course, I don’t feel very happy to get a fine for 25 g’s,” Sobral told MMAWeekly. “I don’t see many guys get fined for 50 percent of their purse, but it is what it is.”

Strikeforce promoter Scott Coker saw Babalu’s free agent status as an opportunity.

“I’ve followed his career. He’s definitely a talented 205-pounder and we’re going to build that division up,” Coker said ringside at the Playboy Mansion. “We thought he’d be a great asset.”

“Here’s the thing,” Coker responded. “You get in the cage, it’s an emotional thing. Tempers flare. It’s a fight. So, I’m not concerned that it will happen again. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson the hard way. But everybody deserves a second chance.”

Coker said Babalu would likely make his debut later this year. Two possible opponents included former UFC heavyweight champ Kevin Randleman, or more likely, current Strikeforce light heavyweight champ Bobby Southworth.

Babalu wasn’t particularly excited about a rematch with Kevin Randleman. But a shot at Southworth’s belt seemed hard to resist.

“He’s the champion, so I respect him a lot,” Sobral said. “He did very well [in his last fight].”

Southworth was taken aback by the news.

“That’s news to me,” Southworth told MMAWeekly. “I was under the impression I’d be fighting Nov. 16. For a guy like Babalu, I’d definitely like a little more time to prepare. I have no problem fighting him.

“He’s a great fighter … a little more experienced than me, but not more skilled. He’s going to try to submit me, so I’d try to sprawl and brawl, keep it on the feet. I think I’m a more technical striker, try to pick him apart. Babalu is hard to stop. I’d probably try to outpoint him.”

Southworth’s words didn’t surprise Sobral.

“Of course, everybody thinks I’m not very good in standup,” Sobral said. “He has his game and I have my game. He’s going to push his game and I’m going to push my game, and we’ll see what’s going to happen. He has to know that trouble’s coming.”

“I’m very happy that Strikeforce gave me the deal,” Sobral said. “I have no hard feelings with the UFC. I [have to] pay my bills. Everybody can make a mistake in his life. But I’m not going to change the way I fight. I’m born to do this. I’m ready to die and prepared to kill. That’s who I am.”


babalu rules. love that last quote...

hope he gets paid large in his new gig!

Good for Baba Booey!

Can't see Southworth beating Babalu, but stranger things have happened.

Southworth doesn't sound too happy to have to defend his belt against a top fighter. And what is this shit that he needs longer to get ready for Babalu? He just won his last fight in a minute because Mahood injured a rib. And wasn't his last fight prior to that the one where the cage door opened and both guys fell out? This guy hasn't even had to defend the belt and now he "taken aback" by Babalu coming in and challenging for his belt.

Southworth will not make it out of Round 1.

My bad, he took Veron Tiger White to a decision. No wonder he's not happy about having to fight Babalu.

"I'm born to do this. I'm ready to die and prepared to kill. That's who I am."

I think that sums up babalu right there, gotta love the fighter spirit

thats the best quote i've ever gonna steal that shit.

Bobby destroyed Mahood's ribs, and threw a man through the cage door.

What gives anyone the impression that Babalu is going to run though Southworth?