"How many of you guys actually think Badr Hari drives a KIA? Tiger Woods lost his Accenture sponsorship after the world found out he was aspiring to be a young Dolemite while Badr Hari flips out on a downed Remy Bojansky and still gets to keep his KIA endorsement. Just proves that Korean car companies are like the Junie Brownings of the automotive industry.
Even though Badr Hari is a K-1 fighter, he does have an MMA record of 0-1 so technically this is MMA news. Regardless, this story is entirely too rawesome to ignore. Our buds at HeadKickLegends gives a brief summary of a story that involves Badr Hari, an Amsterdam nightclub and a reconstructive metal plate:
Reports vary a bit, but by all accounts, late Friday night, Hari and three others attempted to gain entry to a nightclub in the Leidseplein district in Amsterdam. They were denied access to the club by a bouncer based on dress code. From there, an altercation broke out, and at the end, the doorman was left with a fractured eye socket, a broken nose, and may ultimately need a metal plate in his head. While the club or the victim have not pressed charges, the police have gotten involved due to the severity of the attack. At this time, it appears that they are looking for Hari and his friends, who have not turned themselves in or been found.
It was about this time last year that Alistair Overeem nearly lost his hand in a bathroom brawl at an Amsterdam nightclub. These Dutch and their refusal to use diplomacy, got to love it."
Original source -
i like it
Fuck man...
I hope it wasn't him. I need to watch him's like a drug -
It's an awesome story because Hari and a bunch of his thug friends fucked up a bouncer so bad he'll need a metal plate in his head?
nyhcloyalty - It's an awesome story because Hari and a bunch of his thug friends fucked up a bouncer so bad he'll need a metal plate in his head?
yeah, i didn't get any awesomeness from this.
OmegaPoon -nyhcloyalty - It's an awesome story because Hari and a bunch of his thug friends fucked up a bouncer so bad he'll need a metal plate in his head?
yeah, i didn't get any awesomeness from this.
Glad I'm not the only one. Alistair threw down because Valentijn was getting jumped, not because he couldn't walk in with his Puma's and Kangol's.
nyhcloyalty - It's an awesome story because Hari and a bunch of his thug friends fucked up a bouncer so bad he'll need a metal plate in his head?
or he might not. a lot of people claim a ton of injuries after any sort of fight, especially if it was against someone high-profile who might be a profitable target for a lawsuit.
inf0 - Bouncer tells you can't come in.. go somewhere else.. starting shit makes you the bigger douche in the end..
Yep. It's the douchbags the bouncers put up with, that make them enforce their job with authority.
lol, bouncers are largely on the gay and wanting to prove shit side anyways.
Just give me an HJ an dlet me in to the club man, it will prove you're not a cowardly fagmonger.
based on this account hari sounds like an a-hole
but theres 2 sides to every story..
If true, I see no need to defend Hari.
blue63 - Badr has been a classless douchebag punk since day one, so this isn't shocking.
that being said, really? You're one of the best kickboxers on the planet and you walk around beating up bouncers because your dumbass was too ignorant or naive to find out if you were dressed appropriately to enter a club or not? Hopefully Alexey knocks his ass out again next month./quote]
blue63 - Badr has been a classless douchebag punk since day one, so this isn't shocking.
that being said, really? You're one of the best kickboxers on the planet and you walk around beating up bouncers because your dumbass was too ignorant or naive to find out if you were dressed appropriately to enter a club or not? Hopefully Alexey knocks his ass out again next month.<br type="_moz" />
Not really, he seemed like he was turning a corner last year maturity-wise. Bit disappointing to hear about this. Don't consider a guy getting badly hurt like that bouncer was to be awesome, especially if it was Badr and 3 other guys beating up this one dude.
Hari has always seemed to be a classless hothead punk.
This is far from awesome. This is some shit that could set his career back. Dude needs to leave the fighting in the ring.
I see this whole situation as damning for Hari. I can see the courts tossing him under the bus because he's a fighter and the bouncer got his face rearranged. The whole "Black Belt=State Registered Weapons(I'm well aware it's fake)" factor. Dude is a fucking trained fighter. Any situation where a fighter fucks someone up on the street is a lose/lose deal.
If he gets a judge with a vendetta or he was genuinely in the wrong here, he'll have a lot of time to collect his thoughts about how he should of played it cool.
Taz - rawesome.
i like it
woops i meant the word "rawesome" is cool, never heard it before.
This story on the other hand... I think Hari is an arrogant juice monkey and found a fight when he was super drunk, not a big surprise.
All you need to know about Hari is from watching that one fight of his. Obviously he's a huge douchebag.
nyhcloyalty -hey .. leave the puma's and kangol's out of this... this was in europe.. we're talking jordache n keds.OmegaPoon -nyhcloyalty - It's an awesome story because Hari and a bunch of his thug friends fucked up a bouncer so bad he'll need a metal plate in his head?
yeah, i didn't get any awesomeness from this.
Glad I'm not the only one. Alistair threw down because Valentijn was getting jumped, not because he couldn't walk in with his Puma's and Kangol's.
this isn't good -- i hope dirty hari didn't throw any punches.