"Bam Bam" Bigelow passes away

I'm amazed the government hasn't stepped in and done something, but then it is just pro-wrasslin.

rip big guy. :(

That's a damn shame, RIP.

Saggs isn't dead, but...

..."Mr Perfect, British Bulldog, Rick Rude, Big Boss Man, Eddie Gurrero and now Bam Bam were all "found dead".."

You forgot Brian Pillman

And that f*ucker New Jack is still alive somehow

RIP Bam Bam!

They say his house where he was found is being labeled a crime scene.

Sucks RIP


RIP big guy!

Bam Bam was an addict. Unrecovered addict's don't usually have happy endings.

He just happens to be a relatively famous addict.

I always liked Bam Bam . R.I.P.

Condolences to his friends and family.

Thats way to young.........rip.......

He's cartwheeling through heaven now :(

Revolutionized what a big man wrestler could do in the ring. One of the all time greats...

RIP Bam Bam

He was never brought up on charges for the accident, it was never
found to be that he was intoxicated, it was only speculated at the time
because of his history of drug and alcohol abuse. I know The St. Pete
Times must have had a real good reason for doing a "tell all" article on
a guy that isnt even that well known in the mainstream and has been
battling personal demons for the past 20 years, or they could just have
a hard on for pro wrestling like every form of mainstream press does
nowadays, how many times was the name Vince McMahon printed in
the article even though he hadnt worked for him in about 13 years?
Did they talk about when he was hospitalized in 2001 when he
received 3rd degree burns over 40% of his body b/c he rescued a
couple of children from a raging fire? Your right, that sounds like a real

RIP Beast from the East.

Lance Storm remembers Bam Bam...


How hot is the fire? Can I see the kids, or do I just know they are inside? Are other people there?

TheAdonis, I am a firefighter and I can tell you from personal experience that there are a ton of people out there who would worry about saving their own ass and would wait for someone else to save the kids. There are also a lot of people out there who will stand by and watch a man beat his significant other severely, and out of cowardice claim it was because it was between them and it was their business. I wish I was lying but I've seen it on many occassions. JKB

"How hot is the fire? Can I see the kids, or do I just know they are inside? Are other people there?"
