Barack Obama, African-American Badass

BTW, politics aside, funny initial post, OP.

Hollywood Blonde - BTW, politics aside, funny initial post, OP.


All I was doing was writing a follow-up to "Abraham Lincoln: American Badass" and "Pres Teddy Roosevelt, MMA Enthusiast", and I get a bunch of right wingers taking all the fun out of it... I bet they all studied martial arts under the evil master Makein! :P

jettdogg - 

Obama enters at 15, oh the harsh reality.

Both Reagan and Clinton polled very low early in their presidencies.

Hollywood Blonde - 
frontrowbrian -  Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst President ever. Obama has outdone him.

This survey of Presidential scholars (political scientists and historians) released just a few days ago has G.W. Bush close to the bottom. Oh the irony. I don't know where Carter ranks in it, but not as low as G.W. Bush. To be fair, I think we need more time before we can correctly evaluate Bush's presidency (like, 2-3 decades at least), but he's not faring too well.

Bill Clinton ranks much higher than Bush. But I guess experts just act as partisan liberals, right? Published, academic, peer-reviewed political science and historical research on the Presidency is primarily driven by liberal agendas, correct?

We need a poll of just conservative scholars to counter-act this "nonpartisan" poll. After all, reality has a well-known liberal bias that conservatives must correct for.

Bush was bad not doubt about it. Bush served 8 years while Obama hasn't even served a full 2 yet. Obama has continued many of Bushes plans. I don't think it's going to get better only worse and he will be ranked very low.

Jimmy Carter is widely regarded as the worst US president of the 20th century. Even more than Hebert Hoover. Seeing who they have ranked as the best tells me all I need to know about that survey. People are stupid.

The primary failure of the fist post is that it doesn't capture Obama's effete ineffectuality.  The story's climax should have had His Majesty opting out in hopes that the situation would resolve itself.

mmabbn - Tell me you are kidding about the Bamster's leadership abilities. I advise you to look at the gulf oil spill reaction as a good example of bad leadership.

Oh, I'm sorry he didn't dive into the Gulf and stopper the spill with the Tony Robbins' huge ass jaw. It's kind of hard to do anything about it when BP lied to him for the first two weeks about how bad it was, and it occurred in international waters, and no one has any idea how to fix it fast enough. He did pretty much all he could do when he forced BP to pay for some of the mess they created and then the republicans accused him of being a fascist. He can't win with people like you.

mmabbn - 
Hollywood Blonde - 
frontrowbrian -  Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst President ever. Obama has outdone him.

This survey of Presidential scholars (political scientists and historians) released just a few days ago has G.W. Bush close to the bottom. Oh the irony. I don't know where Carter ranks in it, but not as low as G.W. Bush. To be fair, I think we need more time before we can correctly evaluate Bush's presidency (like, 2-3 decades at least), but he's not faring too well.

Bill Clinton ranks much higher than Bush. But I guess experts just act as partisan liberals, right? Published, academic, peer-reviewed political science and historical research on the Presidency is primarily driven by liberal agendas, correct?

We need a poll of just conservative scholars to counter-act this "nonpartisan" poll. After all, reality has a well-known liberal bias that conservatives must correct for.

Bush was bad not doubt about it. Bush served 8 years while Obama hasn't even served a full 2 yet. Obama has continued many of Bushes plans. I don't think it's going to get better only worse and he will be ranked very low.

Jimmy Carter is widely regarded as the worst US president of the 20th century. Even more than Hebert Hoover. Seeing who they have ranked as the best tells me all I need to know about that survey. People are stupid.

1. Their top 5 are FRD, TR, Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson. On the criteria they use, are any of those picks really radically out of place?

2. What does it tell you? It tells me that you don't agree with them, but by and large, I don't categorize political scientists and historians who study the presidency professionally as "stupid."

frontrowbrian - 
Hollywood Blonde - BTW, politics aside, funny initial post, OP.
If Bush was so bad, why has there been polls that show Americans only perfer Obama to Bush by a margin of 45 to 43.. within the margin of error? I'll have to hunt down the link later ... in vegas now and going over to weigh ins.

1. Presidential approval numbers are largely driven by the state of the economy, and the economy sucks.

2. I trust the opinions of political scientists and historians who study the presidency and ranked each president on a variety of criteria over the snap judgment of the American people at large who responded to one question in a poll.

For frontrowbrian:

"[George W. Bush] was a super, super guy," said 'Big Cat' Ernie Ladd, a 6-foot-9, 320-pound pro football great and PULL luminary who stopped by frequently. "If he was a stinker, I'd say he was a stinker. But everybody loved him so much. He had a way with people. . . . They didn't want him to leave."

African? He's half white, raised by his white mother, white schools, white neighborhood

but he's African, l o l

K-Dub-"T" - 
ds1970 - 
mmabbn - I think you meant to say bad president instead of bad ass.

Also how can you call yourself black when you have a white mother? Wouldn't you be bi-racial? I believe so.

In the U.S., if you're half black, you're categorized as black. Pat Barry is even categorized as black and he's only 1/4 black.
And you're 3/4 "stupid inbred cousin fucking dipshitting genetic moron" for even mentioning a theory that civilized people laugh at. 

I don't know that he was defending the practice. It is typical to this day, though, for people to treat a person as black if they "look black," even if they are half or predominantly white. I'm in no way defending it, but the "one drop" rule has a long, ignoble history in our country.

Link Deas - 
mmabbn - Tell me you are kidding about the Bamster's leadership abilities. I advise you to look at the gulf oil spill reaction as a good example of bad leadership.

Oh, I'm sorry he didn't dive into the Gulf and stopper the spill with the Tony Robbins' huge ass jaw. It's kind of hard to do anything about it when BP lied to him for the first two weeks about how bad it was, and it occurred in international waters, and no one has any idea how to fix it fast enough. He did pretty much all he could do when he forced BP to pay for some of the mess they created and then the republicans accused him of being a fascist. He can't win with people like you.

You do know that other countries asked to help with the spill with their own equipment that would help the clean up, he refused the help. hell he didn't feel like talking about it for days until people forced him to.

Hollywood Blonde - 
mmabbn - 
Hollywood Blonde - 
frontrowbrian -  Jimmy Carter is no longer the worst President ever. Obama has outdone him.

This survey of Presidential scholars (political scientists and historians) released just a few days ago has G.W. Bush close to the bottom. Oh the irony. I don't know where Carter ranks in it, but not as low as G.W. Bush. To be fair, I think we need more time before we can correctly evaluate Bush's presidency (like, 2-3 decades at least), but he's not faring too well.

Bill Clinton ranks much higher than Bush. But I guess experts just act as partisan liberals, right? Published, academic, peer-reviewed political science and historical research on the Presidency is primarily driven by liberal agendas, correct?

We need a poll of just conservative scholars to counter-act this "nonpartisan" poll. After all, reality has a well-known liberal bias that conservatives must correct for.

Bush was bad not doubt about it. Bush served 8 years while Obama hasn't even served a full 2 yet. Obama has continued many of Bushes plans. I don't think it's going to get better only worse and he will be ranked very low.

Jimmy Carter is widely regarded as the worst US president of the 20th century. Even more than Hebert Hoover. Seeing who they have ranked as the best tells me all I need to know about that survey. People are stupid.

1. Their top 5 are FRD, TR, Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson. On the criteria they use, are any of those picks really radically out of place?

2. What does it tell you? It tells me that you don't agree with them, but by and large, I don't categorize political scientists and historians who study the presidency professionally as "stupid."

Historians tend to like Presidents who extend government power and influence(which destroys real freedoms), so I'm not surprised that Lincoln and FDR are on the list. Washington should top the list by being able to give up power when he could have become king. How many politicians would do that?


"We need a poll of just conservative scholars to counter-act this "nonpartisan" poll. After all, reality has a well-known liberal bias that conservatives must correct for."

LOL @ "Conservitive Scholars" will find them on FOX LOL. You can tell them because they are nut jobs and no matter how difficult they try to act intelligent their DNA will not allow their hillbilly roots to not shine through.
For frontrowbrian and the other Racists. Blood lines are so mixed you can not find a pure black or pure anything anymore. He is sure as fuck blacker than any other white President we have had. And btw, if you are a Republican, and voted for Bush/Cheney, STFU!!! Sit down and and let the people with an IQ above 80 take over for a while!

Squared Circle - The primary failure of the fist post is that it doesn't capture Obama's effete ineffectuality.  The story's climax should have had His Majesty opting out in hopes that the situation would resolve itself.

Well played sir, well played.

No as far as frontrowbrian goes he IS a rascist...


REALLY?!!! THIS is ACTUALLY being argued about?!

I'll go old school: TAKE THIS SHIT TO THE OG!

Or conversely don't take troll bait from a tool like mmabbn.

<blockquote>GlenDanzig - OH MY GOD! <br /><br />REALLY?!!! THIS is ACTUALLY being argued about?!<br /><br />I'll go old school: TAKE THIS SHIT TO THE OG! <br /><br />Or conversely don't take troll bait from a tool like mmabbn.</blockquote>

Can't argue the facts, so you result to name calling, how mature. Also stop with the caps, it makes you look stupid. That's the first time I've been called a troll, it feels pretty good. Thanks.