Baret Yoshida Seminar This Weekend

This is last-minute, but Baret will be doing a workshop Saturday evening, 5:00, at Grappling Unlimited. Baret is moving to San Diego (to teach at the SD Undisputed Gym) in a few weeks, and this will be his last group class in Hawaii for some time. Due to space restrictions, the seminar is only open to members of Grappling Unlimited, JKD Unlimited, and of course, to Baret Submission Grappling students. The cost is only $40, payable at the door. Please bring cash so he doesn't have to deal with checks. If you need info or directions, please call JKDU at 864-1620. See you there. Aloha


ttt for Baret

wow. Baret is closing shop.

i wonder where his students will migrate to.


I can roll with Baret for free.....
but I am going to the seminar to support BARET.

San Diego is going to be a lucky place....
too bad for us in Honolulu. Best of luck to Baret.

Thanks for supporting Baret. His skills are unreal, and San Diego is getting one of the very finest fighters and coaches. Please spread the word everybody.



Thanks DP.

Once Again, TTT


I feel your pain.


will baret's guys switch to rylan now? or am i gonna see some guys start showing up at shobukan again burton? considering not starting back up this year. kinda like the break i've been on.

I think that they will be training amongst themselves. Baret left some of his mats with them, and I assume (not sure) that many of them will get together and train. Please let me know about any upcoming Shobukan seminars. Aloha!


How can I order his dvds?

Go to for his three part series on DVD. I'll bet your game will improve dramatically.

I regret not taking more advantage of Baret being so close.

I used the EWA after work traffic as an excuse to not go to his classes.


Mos Def wil try to make the seminar to shake off rust & support Teh Baret.