Barnett vs Arlovski!!!!!!!!

Arlovski isn't getting the next shot. Does Santos is fighting the Reem, Miocic is fighting Rothwell, so I'd say what better a time than now for these two legends fighting? Phone Post 3.0

Everyone else is tied up, absolutely. My friend and I were just saying this. Winner possibly gets next title shot pending the Rothwell vs. Miocic outcome. Phone Post 3.0

Going by their last respective fights, I'd say Josh would outlast AA in a similar fight...or perhaps get submitted by the Warmaster.

But who knows, Arlovsi is a bonafide beast.

I'd love this fight more than any other right now at HW.... Phone Post 3.0

Barnett vs Fedor!!! oh wait..

Works for me. Phone Post 3.0

Nope! Phone Post 3.0

TTT Phone Post 3.0

StevetheWeasel - Nope.

AA's next fight should be a title shot. It was due before he beat Mir, and it's overdue now.
I totally think Arlovski deserves a title shot but apparently the UFC doesn't so I think Barnett and him should throw down. Phone Post 3.0

Love to see Barnett fight AA regardless of where they are in the division.

In terms of the matchup, AA is a much bigger challenge in the striking department and has great TDD which is the prototype bad matchup for Josh. Phone Post 3.0

StevetheWeasel - Nope.

AA's next fight should be a title shot. It was due before he beat Mir, and it's overdue now.
Bingo. Arlovski earned and deserves the title shot. Phone Post 3.0

Hope to see it.. can't think of two other old school champs who lost and came back as serious contenders Phone Post 3.0

Na. Let AA wait for his shot.

Dont let 2 potential guys who could get shots beat the fuck outa each other for no real reason in a division so small that needs title contenders. Phone Post 3.0

I Love Spinning Dong - Na. Let AA wait for his shot.

Dont let 2 potential guys who could get shots beat the fuck outa each other for no real reason in a division so small that needs title contenders. Phone Post 3.0
If they do Werdum vs Cain again in spring, that means AA would have to wait till next Fall if the winner isn't hurt. Id rather have healthy hwts fight whenever possible. Phone Post 3.0

The HW division is so simple right now.  Not sure how the UFC is fucking it up by giving Cain an immediate rematch.  Why the hell not do Cain/Barnett or Cain vs anyone else while AA, the only guy in the division who had legitimately earned his shot, gets his?  Not to mention AA has beat the champ.  

Giving Cain an immediate rematch after he got the absolute shit beat out of him is absurd.  Prob the worst title shot ever. 

RampageFitsLikeAGlove -

The HW division is so simple right now.  Not sure how the UFC is fucking it up by giving Cain an immediate rematch.  Why the hell not do Cain/Barnett or Cain vs anyone else while AA, the only guy in the division who had legitimately earned his shot, gets his?  Not to mention AA has beat the champ.  


Giving Cain an immediate rematch after he got the absolute shit beat out of him is absurd.  Prob the worst title shot ever. 
I agree. The UFC is only thinking of their Mexican event income and could give a shot less about their fans. I'm not watching the re-match because it's complete horse shit. Phone Post 3.0

If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much -
I Love Spinning Dong - Na. Let AA wait for his shot.

Dont let 2 potential guys who could get shots beat the fuck outa each other for no real reason in a division so small that needs title contenders. Phone Post 3.0
If they do Werdum vs Cain again in spring, that means AA would have to wait till next Fall if the winner isn't hurt. Id rather have healthy hwts fight whenever possible. Phone Post 3.0
True. But id rather see a fight i wana watch down the line with either barnett, AA, Miocic being built up property getting a shot rather than fighting for just fighting sake in that division.

No one wants jds vs cain 4 or if cain wins it will be wurdum vs cain 3 when no one even wanted werdum vs cain 2. Phone Post 3.0