Barnett vs. Fedor

How would it go?

Fedor will light him up plenty on the feet and on the mat. Little chance Barnett wins.

Cro Cop couldn't KO him and Mino couldn't submit him. Coleman couldn't outwrestle him.

You fight Fedor and you are Capital F Fucked.

lol well put rough draft

Actually, Coleman did outwrestle Fedor. Fedor beat him with an armbar off the bottom. Until that point, Coleman was controlling the fight.

we will just have to wait and see IF Barnett get's passed Cro-Cop.

Ive long said that Barnett is the best matchup on paper to Fedor although that was before the emergence of Arlovski and Kharitonov. Still, Nog may have better subs, CC may have better strikes but Barnett is far more rounded than both of them in the same way Fedor is (though Barnett is still not as proven obviously).

Re: the standup, we just saw Fedor bully CC in that department but Barnett went toe to toe with Rizzo for most of that fight (which he got KOed of course). We saw Kharitonov take Rizzo out and Arlovski's hands look lethal too.

I say let CC rematch Barnett and let the winner fight Kharitonov.

Nog is a bit of a weird situation since he's still up there but already lost twice to Fedor. Still, rematches with CC and Kharitonov make sense and in theory should be tougher than the first time.

Also, Barnett is very capable of beating Nog too.

Josh has a chance but he will lose by either KO or TKO from cuts.

"Actually, Coleman did outwrestle Fedor. Fedor beat him with an armbar off the bottom. Until that point, Coleman was controlling the fight."

Fedor gave up the takedown to tap Coleman IMO. In addition, Fedor looked like he was chillen on a beach when Coleman had his back. I guess thats being controlled to some.

"Still, Nog may have better subs, CC may have better strikes but Barnett is far more rounded than both of them in the same way Fedor is (though Barnett is still not as proven obviously)."

Ive never seen a fighter in the history of the sport get so much run for "hanging" with Rizzo for a few rounds. How the hell is Barnett more well rounded than Nog? Nog stood a total of about 5rounds in his Fedor3 and Karitanov fights. The same karitarnov who steam rolled Rizzo and the same fedor who stood with Mirko.

But Barnett stands with Rizzo for a few, gets highlight reeled KO'd and he has better stand up than Mino? Please.

Better wrestling, most likely, more well rounded, dont think so.

logical fight for fedor. fedor will own him

I see what yer sayin Sonic but I'd bet that Barnett would outbox Nog, hows that?

He wasnt just "hangin" with Rizzo either, he was pushing the action and winning for most of that fight but you're right, Nog's boxing is no joke, I know that.

The other thing though is that Barnett has bad intentions with his hands, standing or on the ground. If Nog had the ability to hurt more with his hands, standing or on the ground.

Nog has fast and accurate punches from what I remember but I think he trades accuracy for power. I know he isnt physically that strong but his swings seem to short to hurt maybe? I dunno, im no boxing expert.

The Josh that defeated Randy would have had a pretty decent chance but the Josh of today with inactivity and injuries would have very little chance.

ninja please

even kondo outstruck barnett.

fedor will rip him apart.

"lol @ evilyoshida always adding a lil japanese to his posts. ok we get it you are asian and you will back them up forever. get over it "

i wanted to make a point that a small guy outstruck him which is a fact. nothing to do with being asian or not.

To quote a random guy at the bar, when I told him I had a bet for 100 bucks on Fedor.

"Who would bet against Fedor??? He is Perfect!"