Barry/Evenson fight = OUCH (Spoiler)

From Meltzer:

"They wre back up and Barry connected with a kick to the thigh that appeared to send his thigh off his knee and Evensen couldn't stand up and it was over."


Hell of a debut for Mr. Barry


 A leg kick KO and Antoni Hardonk hasn't even fought yet.  Gonna be a good night.

Congrats to Pat Barry!!!!!

I want to see Barry versus Hardonk in the battle of the leg kicks

Yikes...but not really shocked, Evenson not exactly a high caliber HW

my god these leg kicks.

goeb - Yikes...but not really shocked, Evenson not exactly a high caliber HW

Does Evensen remind anyone else of a regular-sized Gan McGee?

 poor guy got broken