Bas Rutten clears the air about Overeem comments

epwar - Regardless of what Bas said, I know you ALL read that in Bas' voice.

I did! Phone Post

SleepBomb -  why is he such butt buddies with GG?

I'm thinking maybe he had financial investment ? I'm pretty sure he co-promoted some shows with them in holland. just a thought Phone Post

SleepBomb -  why is he such butt buddies with GG?

I'm thinking maybe he had financial investment ? I'm pretty sure he co-promoted some shows with them in holland. just a thought Phone Post

JoeHurley - EVERY coach, training partner and teammate says their guy will win.

You guys are really trying to call out Bas over this for being honest and admitting it?  Give me a fucking break.
He is none of those things, and he wasn't being honest as a commentator.


TTT Phone Post

I'm also not sure why you guys can't understand that he hyped his friend (which is expected of friends), and that he now calls it as he sees it in terms of fighting JDS. regardless of any perceived motives Bas might have, surely everything in his post is objectively true?

Motivated Penn - I'm also not sure why you guys can't understand that he hyped his friend (which is expected of friends), and that he now calls it as he sees it in terms of fighting JDS. regardless of any perceived motives Bas might have, surely everything in his post is objectively true?

Good point.

And your screen name is literally greater than Christ... Phone Post

Motivated Penn - I'm also not sure why you guys can't understand that he hyped his friend (which is expected of friends), and that he now calls it as he sees it in terms of fighting JDS. regardless of any perceived motives Bas might have, surely everything in his post is objectively true?

Bas is paid to be a annalist, objective when it counts. We all recognised him as being biased when he praised Overeem. The problem I have is the bitterness after the GG split. Reen is the no. 1 guy on your rankings & your telling your audience this. Then hes not friends with you he always been a glass jaw fighter who couldnt beat fighter A.

comes off as a 2 faced guy. You think when Bas was friends with Reem he was talking about his glass jaw or smiling in his face?

Wow, I didn't know they weren't friends anymore. I guess Bas probably has a good friend at GG and he's just supporting his homie.

The enemy of my homie is my enemy.

Not always easy, but good for him for supporting his friend.

Well said by Bas Phone Post

First of all I've always thought it was stupid of reporters to ask coaches/training partners/friends (and other people directly related to a fighter) who they think will win or who is better about their own fighter. There will always be bias. I don't think I've ever heard a training partner pick against their own fighter.

Now this Bias is a known quantity I don't think anyone doubts it. Does anyone think Greg Jackson would say his fighter is probably going to lose against their upcoming opponent. Of course not (whether he thinks it or not).

Now here's the problem with Bas' statement. He is a commentator who is supposed to be impartial. He has now admitted that he shows Bias towards those who he knows. Now the flip side is that if you show positive bias against those you know and like then doesn't it also say you are willing to show negative bias towards those who you dislike. The problem here is now he has admitted that everytime he comments on any situation people are going wonder if he has any connection and whether he is showing bias.

I'm not making comment on whether he is right or wrong or whether he is lying now or lying before. I'm just making comment on the difficult situation he has now placed himself in. Of course his fans will continue to side with him and defend his position, his haters will continue to call him on anything he says but it is the people in the middle who are the ones who will have to decide their thoughts on his position. It will be interesting to see how this pans out.

First Bas points to anonymous message board comments from the past as a means of defending his shots on Overeem, but then a minute later he's saying the fans don't know shit anyway and that fighters shouldn't listen to them. You really have to hand it to Bas for finding a way to both undermine his position and shit on the fans at the same time.

Bas pretty much always has an axe to grind. And maybe it's just me, but he still seems to wing it way too often even in spite of his cushy gig with HDNet. Beyond that, I no longer find him funny, and his self congratulatory nature really needs to be balanced out by humor to be effective. Bas needs to stop worrying about Alistair and up his own game IMO.

You can't spell bias without Bas. Phone Post

 Ubereem wins with or without the endorsment of bas.

DoomFarmer - Bas is too personally invested in GG to take anything he says as being genuine.

There was an agenda when he was supporting Overeem and there is an agenda now too.

. Phone Post

Regardless if this statement is the "actual" truth or not, Bas is still the asshole in this situation. So you aren't friends with a guy anymore based on a business decision? He probably wasn't really friends with him in the first place if it was simply because of business. When has Overeem trashed Bas during this whole ordeal? I don't think he has, he has moved on to bigger, better things. No reason to trash him because of some losses 4-5 years ago, what a low blow.

Overeem > Bas

 Who decided that analysts are supposed to be impartial?  It sounds like the same "journalists are supposed to be impartial" nonsense that's been popular lately.  Ever heard of the editorial page?  Bas isn't even a UFC commentator or employee, he hosts a mma talk show.

Every day I see analysts on the NFL and NBA pregame shows picking who they think will win and talking about players, teams and coaches they like while criticizing others.  I listen to sports radio daily and it's pretty much all personal opinions and bias.  I have never heard anybody complain about that and say these guys should be impartial.  Who's saying Stephen A Smith or Skip Bayless should be impartial?  HONEST AND IMPARTIAL IS BORING!  That is for people who are involved in the game or match like refs and judges.

This "Bas lied to us" whining is ridiculous.

 stopped reading when he started using mma math for why he thinks JDS will win .. edit JDS didnt KO cro cop

Bas, je stelt me teleur
(bas, I am disappoint) Phone Post

I like Bas but he does have a bit of a habit of blurring the lines between professional & personal