Bas Rutten clears the air about Overeem comments

JoeHurley - EVERY coach, training partner and teammate says their guy will win.

You guys are really trying to call out Bas over this for being honest and admitting it?  Give me a fucking break.

 Bas is an MMA icon.

Can't believe "fans" would choose the flavor of the month over a living legend. Bas via broken beer bottle to the throat...

I think bas is being honest here. Don't really care enough about the subject to not believe him Phone Post

pidgey - when you have to write a novel to prove a point, it means that point is weak to begin with.

I still love Bas, great guy, and i understand where he's coming from because the GG guys are his bros, still it's pretty obvious that he's mad with the Reem for the what happened with GG.

It's hard to take a stance for me between the Reem and GG because i dont know the real facts about the contracts and their deal.

  I wouldn't say Bas is mad, just biased.  But aren't we all?  Some of us just cover it up better than others.

ttt before my thread is on UG news. Oops too late lol. Phone Post

JoeHurley - EVERY coach, training partner and teammate says their guy will win.

You guys are really trying to call out Bas over this for being honest and admitting it?  Give me a fucking break.


I ain't being bias but when he was my friend I said he was # 1 HW. Now that we're not friends he's got a glass jaw naw won K1 on luck.

Now I'm not an encyclopedia but wouldn't that be bias?' Phone Post

Like I said in the original story thread, perhaps Bas wasn't being honest when Reem was GG and now that he's not he's telling us what he really thinks. His words here definitely suggest that's exactly the case.

Doem - Bas is getting personal.
how many times has any professional used "glass" jaw to describe a fighter?
Overeem does not have a glass jaw and never had one

well you touch him and he goes down... either its a glass jaw or hes quit an awful lot in his career. Probably a problem with his jaw.

OKJ, so Bas admits to LYING when him and Overeem were friends and to get him intoi the UFC...and now he wants us to believe he's being truthful today.

Actually I don't know what to believe given his track record of lying...but we all know he's talked massive shit about ALL kinds of people in the past.

When it comes to this subject Bas cannot be trusted. I think any rational, objective person can see that.

If he would lie for Overeem when he was his "buddy" then he would lie to discredit him now to help his other buddies GG.

I actually do believe he may have downplayed Overeem's K1 victory whe talking amongst his friends. I think the reason for this is he is jealous of Overeem and his accomplishments. Bas could never have done the things Reem has, and only stays relvant by being a "personality".

Deaf Forever - Not long ago Bas used to emphatically state that Overeem was the #1 HW in the world. He's hating on the Reem bigtime.

 You should read what Bas wrote....clearly you didn't...

"And yes, I said he was # 1 on my “top 10 list for HW” when he was my friend, but I always made sure to mention that I say he's is number 1 on my list because: A: "he's a friend", or, B: "Because he's from Holland".

He is bias, but we already knew this. He said: ""And yes, I said he was # 1 on my “top 10 list for HW” when he was my friend, but I always made sure to mention that I say he's is number 1 on my list because: A: "he's a friend", or, B: "Because he's from Holland".

He is not an financial commentator for the BBC. He is on a goofy MMA show which is on an even goofier network.

JoeHurley -  Who decided that analysts are supposed to be impartial?  It sounds like the same "journalists are supposed to be impartial" nonsense that's been popular lately.  Ever heard of the editorial page?  Bas isn't even a UFC commentator or employee, he hosts a mma talk show.

Every day I see analysts on the NFL and NBA pregame shows picking who they think will win and talking about players, teams and coaches they like while criticizing others.  I listen to sports radio daily and it's pretty much all personal opinions and bias.  I have never heard anybody complain about that and say these guys should be impartial.  Who's saying Stephen A Smith or Skip Bayless should be impartial?  HONEST AND IMPARTIAL IS BORING!  That is for people who are involved in the game or match like refs and judges.

This "Bas lied to us" whining is ridiculous.

Just because someone is more a color commentator than a journalist doesn't mean they're immune from eating shit when they act hypocritical or disingenuous. Just because your job doesn't require complete honesty you have license to say whatever you want without having to back it up? Pretty porous argument.

In another note....he did always say..."But I am Bias because I am from Holland" everytime he explained his top 10 list with Overeem on top. Instead of writing an essay explaining his position and making himself look guilty he should've just said...hey...I told you I was bias.

Bas had always pushed his agenda. He hyped anything outside the UFC for years Phone Post

Chris27 - Sure Bas.

If Reem was still with GG you'd be saying Reem would beat JDS, even if deep down you didnt believe it you would say it cause you'd be riding with GG.

Now he isnt with GG so either you are bitter and are against him or now you are truly giving your honest opinion and before you were full of shit and just riding his dick cause he was with GG.

So you are either fake or a liar.

Nope. TTT for Bas, that's a reasonable reply from him Phone Post


I was with him until I read this part:

" Also, let’s not forget that JDS KO’d Werdum, and Overeem took Werdum to a decision. On top of that, JDS KO’d Mirko Cro Cop, Alistair didn’t, well, if you don’t count kneeing him in the pills."

He's using mma math and he should know better than this. Bas is also being a little bit dishonest about the CC fights. JDS did not KO mirko. JDS also took quite a bit of damage in that fight.

Alistair on the other hand was completely dominating and throwing CC like a ragdoll up until the knee to the balls.

Anyway I really like Bas but I think he just has too much emotion invested in this subject to have a clear opinion. This statement hasn't really changed my mind on that, not that he cares.

So basically at the end of the day, whether your a fanboy or a hater, Bas Rutten's rankings regarding MMA have lost all validity. And yes, analysts and journalists are to be impartial. MMAth, whether coming from the UG or Bas is always the lowest form of evidence.

Bas is a fucking lemon. He basically just admitted that he's a liar, a hypocrite and a douche.