Bas Rutten clears the air about Overeem comments

<blockquote>brockfanstar - So he says he gave his honest opinion about the glass jaw & losing to JDS but for a full year he was lying saying Overeem is the no 1 guy at HW that would win the title in the UFC</blockquote><br /><br /><br />

Bas's cred has been hit pretty hard here, his agenda makes him shady.<br /><br />He's clerly biased in this regard, and should stop pretending not to be

JDS never KO'd Cro Cop either, his examples there are very distorted, does he think we're morons?

Just say that you're completely biased against Overeem Bas and that everything you say on him is a wash because of your ties to GG, it's the olny way to redeem yourself.

"Go get some fans Bas"

btw, If Uber's K1 title was somewhat lucky (which it was, but that's a prob with tourneys, not AO), so was Bas's UFC championship. Anyone who saw that fight didn't see Bas as the undisputed champion.

Bas never fought the cream of the MMA crop, not like AO is doing/has done. I don't fault him for aything, career wise, but he's not one talk about luck, or downplay championships.

stonepony - Overeem has been knocked out how many times? 10?
Are there any current champions who have been knocked out 10 times? Has there ever been a UFC belt holder previously knocked out 10 times?

Try six in 48 fights. Liddell, Lil Nog, Bobby Hoffman, Kharitonov, and Shogun twice. Phone Post

^^ 5 actually

He was never KOd by Noguiera. He came into the fight with bandages on his neck and managed to survive the first round. His corner threw in the towel after he got rocked by a punch and covered up

fishyfish - 1. Overeem has been knocked out MORE than a handful of times.

2. He HAS the skills, but against a heavy hitter, it might only take ONE SHOT to put him out, so it's a crap shoot. MAYBE his bigger neck muscles have improved his chin, but only time will tell.

3. a friend or affiliate will NEVER say the other guy will probably win, nor say his friend has a glass jaw, even if it's true. a fighter's confidence is important, and 2 important parts of confidence are positivity & erasing/denying doubts.

Bas's FRAT is an attempt to penetrate thick skulls, unfortunately to no avail. some people think they're smart just because they can object.

No. The point is that Bas has been KNOWN to talk shit about others in the past. He is a KNOWN shit talker,

Bas said one thing...and now he is contradicting it and making it seem OK because he admits to lying earlier, yet wants us to think he is credible now (lol) even hile wanting us to ignore his problems w/ GG as if he hasn't been a butthurt shit talker in the past.

LOL @ hugging to the point where Bas gets a pass on his shit talking and lies because he did well against undersized Japanese in slapfighting 20 years ago and was gifted a decision after Randleman made him his helpless girlfriend.

Until Bas comments on the face-push incident.... Phone Post