Bas Rutten starting new fight promotion - TAO MMA

Say what you want to say about his zany newscaster personality. However, one thing that's not debatable was that during his prime before the injury he was on his way to becoming one of the world's best at that time. Also anyone who knows even a little about Bas knows that the guy has an encyclopedic knowledge of martial arts techniques. If he's able to shift his talents towards a new promotion we could all benefit form the good match making. What does the UG think? Yay or ney? Phone Post 3.0

How successful was the Bas Rutten Invitationals?

He had about 4 or 5 of them.

ttt for Bas

How successful was the Bas Rutten Invitationals?
He had about 4 or 5 of them.

Bing Tran was the promoter of the Bas Rutten Invitationals

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