Bas Rutten's 02 Trainer - Legit or Snake Oil?

Huge fan of El Guapo, but man this seems like a scam.

I'm all for the brother getting his, but $50 bucks for this?

Does it work?The reviews ive seen suggest it does and helps people with asthma.
But it does look super cheap and you could probably build your own if your handy for far cheaper.

I actually just bought one on Amazon last week, haven't got it yet.

I was interested after I heard him talk about it on Rogan's podcast. If it works like he says it's well worth the money.
We'll see though I have very low expectations. Phone Post 3.0

Isn't it just another take on the elevation mask? Phone Post 3.0

I bought one and used it as part of intense cardio in fact I bought three for me and my training buddies and all three of us felt a massive benefit really quickly. Phone Post 3.0

I know at least one guy who says it's for real.

I've seen a bunch of reviews from people complaining about drooling all over the place while using it. 

I don't see how it seems like snake oil. When I look at it , it makes sense to me. Breathe through a small hole which you get use to pulling air through . Which I guess in turn is suppose to make your lungs stronger .  I haven't ever used one myself 

i think you have to wear it at least 16 hours a day to get benefits.


Kryptboy - I bought one and used it as part of intense cardio in fact I bought three for me and my training buddies and all three of us felt a massive benefit really quickly. Phone Post 3.0

What kind of cardio workouts were you all doing, how did you use the 02 trainer, and what more specific benefits did you feel?

jodienda -
Kryptboy - I bought one and used it as part of intense cardio in fact I bought three for me and my training buddies and all three of us felt a massive benefit really quickly. Phone Post 3.0

What kind of cardio workouts were you all doing, how did you use the 02 trainer, and what more specific benefits did you feel?

because of air restriction, you get high and believe everything.

worstcasescenario - 
WhereIsGoranReljic - 

I don't see how it seems like snake oil. When I look at it , it makes sense to me. Breathe through a small hole which you get use to pulling air through . Which I guess in turn is suppose to make your lungs stronger .  I haven't ever used one myself nailed it, it's a straw, $50 El Guapo straw!

My thoughts too. Seems a straw would have the same effect.

barbarian -
worstcasescenario - 
WhereIsGoranReljic - 

I don't see how it seems like snake oil. When I look at it , it makes sense to me. Breathe through a small hole which you get use to pulling air through . Which I guess in turn is suppose to make your lungs stronger .  I haven't ever used one myself nailed it, it's a straw, $50 El Guapo straw!

My thoughts too. Seems a straw would have the same effect.

Not saying it's worth the money , and not even saying it works. Only saying the idea makes sense to me . I wouldn't use it for drinks though.

CavRyda -

Lmao @ his finger in the second pic. Phone Post 3.0

Snake Oil.

lol, having a good full workout with air restriction.

it made my liver kick deadly