Battle of movie STARS...DAVID "CAINE" CARRADINE,,,vs BRUCE "dynamo" LI....WHO WINS

experience tkd, boxing,judo, wing chun


some kung fu and maybe some karate

Not the guy who died while jerking off.

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You say jerking off, I say “compromised” while hanging his shirt in the closet. The fact he was pants less should have no bearing.

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That was pre bjj Chuck, imagine if he had the jits then

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he already had some judo not bjj but close

I think every karate guy from the 60’s to 90’s had “some judo” but not a useful amount lol.

chuck was like a black belt

“Chuck had some judo”

“Chuck was a black belt”

One of these statements is not like the other

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well compared to his karate accomplishments
it aint much