...For those Grapplers in the bay that want a day of good competition. Unlimited Kickboxing is hosting another day of Submission Wrestling. It is a round robin format so everybody should get between 3-5 matches. Matches are not scored and if you tap and want to keep going the match continues. If your interested please register online at www.unlimitedkickboxing.com Hope to see you all there!
wheres everyone from the Bay?
Sounds like fun!
Thanks Guys!
I might have to stop by
Ok, I am trying to promote this so here it is again...TTT
I have a question on the rules. When you say this "if you tap and want to keep going the match continues" does that mean someone could tap 100 times, but until he's tired of losing and leaves the mat, the match continues?
The matches are 4 mins. If someone gets tapped but still wants to get some more work then they continue. If someone is getting tapped frequently then its a mismatch and its stopped. Some people just want to get the match over with but its about getting in work with people you dont normaly roll with so it would be advantageous to keep going. Its essentially a smoker so if no one wins then why care just get in the mat time... Hope to see you guys there!
... We will also have an open weight round ronin as well!
I'll try to be there, Rudi...I don't go to Vegas til the next day =)
We might come through and represent Pacific Ring Sports Oakland Hypy Movement. Will definitely sprad the word
"How do you "win" per se?"
you don't. it's about mat time.
great event last year as real good turn out. Lots of fun.