Beezul's Blog of Baboonery

I don’t know. IIRC he made a strategy game he posted on here that involved pushing blocks or something (going off memory, could be someone else totally.)

think they cost $600 new back then, but I got mine second hand from someone online for $300 and shipping which I don’t remember what that was.

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You still have it? Posting a pic would bring back some memories, my man.

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I’ll have to dig him out. He’s been regulated to a Christmas decoration. I don’t have any pics of just him. I have a big fire-breathing handmade dragon that I bough at an auction when an opposing buyer pissed me off earlier in the auction and we dress him up for the holidays. So Bubba ends up playing Krampus.


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Wait till they get a load of the paper money!

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Pics from a little day trip exploring session.


I’ve only saw this forum spammed once since I’ve been here and it was when Elvis Sinosec had a UFC and it sucked because we were all happy for him and Tim Goodwin kept making KKM post driving all the Elvis posts down. Sucked.

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what in the fuck did I just walk into?


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That is an amazing horror display and I know a thing or two about horror displays! Ask @Nitecrawler


You should see my cats…

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Cool find for a buck a pop today at the Salvation army.


I’ve actually found two of these now. Haven’t entered the second one, but have the first. Apparently no one has a match.

Now they’re editing random posts? These fascist pigs sure craycray.

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Dis Gonna Be Good Jason Momoa GIF

I could see this gif a million times and it still makes me laugh.



Is that bigfoots footprint next to yours? Home slice would love a pair of your shoes. Plus where’s your other foot?

No idea what the print was, thus the picture.