Beezul's Blog of Baboonery

Just a little corner of the OG where I’m gonna post random tidbits. Feel to kick back and peruse at your leisure.

Blanket disclaimer: Some links could be affiliate links. Probably not, but just in case.


Did you know the mint double printed some serial numbers on the $1 bill? And that make’s them worth considerably more then a buck,especially paired up. While the odds are not with you finding two matching bills in the wild randomly, there is an easier way.

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back in the 80s my grade 8 buddy photo copied $1 bills and ran them through the laundromat change machine… ahead of his time


That reminds me of a story I heard a long time ago. Now wondering if it was just an urban legend. A counterfeiter had an actual plate long ago and would always print just a $1 bill over and over, then walk around his city buying daily papers for a quarter to clean it.

Edit: Looks like they made a movie about him even. Assuming this is the same story I heard so long ago.


Here’s a picture of a random pile of rocks by a creek I passed by in my travels.


The website Coinweek gives away a silver coin every week. Free to enter.


This thread suck’s baboon ass.

monkey baboon GIF

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Dis Gonna Be Good Jason Momoa GIF



Um, I don’t think thats random…


That’s the top of the mast of a sunken ship. Most likely a Polish ship as they usually made them out of rocks, hence there propensity for sinking.



Kenan Thompson Reaction GIF



Maybe it’s how my ancestors arrived here.

It’s actually heart-shaped.

It was to me. Never expected to see it.

Can you tell us about that Bubba grapple dummy you made? How’d you think of that?

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While not my type of content, I appreciate you keeping this stuff to a single thread so as to not spam the OG. Others could learn from you. Thank you.

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That wasn’t me, but I do own one. I believe the maker was @Bubbamaker but could be wrong.
Side story about my Bubba: Back in the early 2000’s I bought a big house and rented out all the spare rooms to a bunch of gamers. Bubba was a huge hit and conversation piece just sitting around on the couch and the like.I was then offered a job to help manage a retail chain store. The chain had a contest for best store display heading into the summer season, so I used Bubba and did a scene where he was lounging on the beach with chair, cooler, beach toys and clothes etc. Which won. Then a lady from a few towns over owned an antique gallery and ask if she could purchase him, I told her what they cost, she balked, but I told her I would rent her mine for a bit, and she agreed.

I come home one day and the renters are riding one of the tenet’s brothers because he hadn’t worked in awhile and he kept saying he couldn’t find a job. I think the brother that rented from me was still paying for his mother and siblings utilities or some such thing, even though he no longer lived there. Anyways I walk into this disagreement right as it’s cooling down to the point of awkward silence, and casually drop the tidbit that a fucking dummy named Bubba has had more gainful employment in the past few months then the brother has. Basically started the whole thing back up with even greater vigor as they all went back in on the brother.

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Excellent story! I love dropping a grenade into a room as I exit! I wonder what happened to Bubbamaker? Do you still have it? How much was it?

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