Before you get advice...

make sure you get it from someone who knows his shit.

We've got a bunch of new guys at the academy. The other night we had open mat as our instructor was out sick. I watched one of the early bluebelts giving the absolutely wrong advice to one of the newer guys regarding a technique. I turned to one of the younger guys sitting next to me and just said to him "if you can't get an answer or advice from our instructor, be careful who you ask".

I myself when asked a question regarding technique always end with "make sure you ask (instructor's name)"

Bad habits are hard to break. You don't want someone drilling something that isn't correct and developing a bad habit. Then you'll feel like a dick when the instructor asks "where'd you learn that?"

What was the advice? Is it possible that it was just a different way of doing something?

For example, I've trained with one black belt who says "Never do this", but then Ive worked out with another black belt and the first thing he shows me is how to do whatever that thing was that the first said I should never do.

Maybe the blue belt was just trying to be helpful, and genuinely thought that is how you should perform that technique? I don't mind people giving advice is they are humble and are aware of their own skill levels.

What I don't like is people who know a little bit, and pretend they know a lot. They act like they are the authority on the subject. I'm not sure if this is arrogance, or just an ego trip on their part.

it was about escaping an armbar from inside the guard.

"What I don't like is people who know a little bit, and pretend they know a lot"

My reason for making the thread. Imo new students look up to guys that have been training longer than them and will ask for and take advice from them. Just need to be careful who you listen to is all... or make sure it is correct.

I've got a purple belt and a blue belt at my school who are great at rolling but bad at explaining things. They always leave out a piece here and a piece there. Then we have to go correct it later.

I saw this problem early as a white belt and I knew I wanted to follow in the steps of my instructors who were great teachers. And by reading different articles and forums I came to the realization that you have to LEARN how to be a good teacher, just because you know the technique doesn't make it so. So for almost a year I helped teach the kids class at our academy for free. Then I got offered to teach two satellite adult schools that were about 45 minutes away each for a little over a summer. Now I have my own night at the the main academy and guys respect the advice I give them. That's been my journey through BJJ as a student becoming a good student and becoming a good teacher and the journey continues. So ask your instructors and find the blues and purples belts who are making an effort at becoming good instructors too.