Beginning of the TLI exodus..?

Apparently Nakapan's BETA Academy in Washington, DC is splitting from TLI Association in light of recent events.

BETA is a great school with really strong Muay Thai, BJJ, and MMA programs. I know Nakapan trains a number of amateur and pro fighters...wonder how many more academies will follow their lead.

Getting away should be common sense. Nakapan has been in the game a very long time and I'm happy to see him split from TLI. There is no way I support anything TLI related going forward.

CompanyBlue - Getting away should be common sense. Nakapan has been in the game a very long time and I'm happy to see him split from TLI. There is no way I support anything TLI related going forward.

Agreed on all counts. Still refreshing to see someone taking a stand for what's right, in spite of whatever pressure they're facing from a business or "team" perspective

Much respect! Phone Post


green_machine - Source?

Personal, but also BETA Academy's FB page. A couple of people have asked if they're still affiliated and they've replied no.

With revelations of Lloyd's past all I can say us... Good for them! Phone Post

What would be the purpose of staying an affiliate to that Team? Lloyd does not have association fees. Be privilege to training and business needs. He does that for anyone with money. Loyalty. Half his medal chaser, started somewhere else. If people stop buying his products and seminars ( which are like any other small business seminars). His professional team players loyalties will disappear as well. Phone Post

Yeah: that's right. The master has been putting shit on his Facebook, saying how great the next episode is going to be.

The guy's got balls, i'll give him that.

Why associate with a man that uses shady business practices, condones fake handshakes and fake countdowns!?!?! Shows a complete lack of integrity. The NYE and 1989 rapes are over the top disgusting. People will not, and should never forget. Karma…

When the moment of climax comes, and all your friends are standing at attention and ready to fire, and in this time of pressure you stand down, well....I just can't fathom that. Phone Post

kulprt - 

What would be the purpose of staying an affiliate to that Team? Lloyd does not have association fees. Be privilege to training and business needs. He does that for anyone with money. Loyalty. Half his medal chaser, started somewhere else. If people stop buying his products and seminars ( which are like any other small business seminars). His professional team players loyalties will disappear as well. Phone Post

This ^

He just takes basic business common sense, and modern selef help or self motivation (whatever you want to call it) stuff, packages it well, markets the hell out of it ... people buy it and then he uses this to fund his top students to train full time to prove how his grappling blue print self motivation product works, which non-school-owners buy.

I can't believe people flew from all around the world to go to his events ...

Jared Weiner and Wilson Reis just parted ways too. Just posted on Facebook. Thin end of the wedge for sure. Phone Post

doesnt look like marcos is going anywhere he posted this last night on fb

I'm sick to my stomach watching black belt instructors casting stones at a prominent instructor that is going through a scandal. I'm sick to my stomach because of the disgusting hypocrisy.
How is it a hypocrisy? Because many of these men I know personally. I know their habits. Almost none of them have the moral authority to be casting these stones. As the Bible says, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..."

All these instructors are talking about how the instructor being stoned created a negative culture that resulted in the scandal. These instructors talk about how they use the martial arts to make "better people", and integrity, and honor, etc. But these same guys have their own skeletons and immoral behaviors.

For instance, one such instructor posted on facebook and cast his stone, talking about culture building, integrity, etc. but every time I've seen him at an event out of town, he is ordering hookers to his room while his wife is back at home watching multiple children by herself. Perhaps this is his own personal demon... but no, he uses the martial arts to influence his instructors/students to join in on this culture as well. So much for "integrity" and making "better people" with your martial arts culture. Using your position as an instructor to promote infidelity and prostitution isn't exactly what I consider a positive martial arts culture - and that same person is currently on a moral crusade to stone to death another instructor. I forgot to mention he is BIG publicly on family values.

I can list hypocrisy after hypocrisy about all these men stepping up to jump in on an execution.

I have NEVER said anything before - and it always weighed on my conscience. It is hard to say this and be taken seriously because of all the hypocrites in my industry, but I did walk out of being an engineer to pursue martial arts full time because I love the direct access I had to help people, face to face, using martial arts. As such, I hold myself to a serious standard - I am a leader and role model 24 hours a day... not just when I'm in front of my students in class. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't cheat on my wife or children (we are a family, a unit), I don't act violently, I preach peace, I preach non-violence, and the times I have messed up when I was younger, I have made those moments public so that others could learn from my past mistakes - and I have not repeated them. Nobody is perfect - but I strive to be. I don't do anything that I wouldn't do in front of my children.

My detractors say I only care about money because I am a successful business man. That is their only basis of saying such a thing because my actions have consistently showed otherwise.
I am so dedicated to my mission as a martial arts instructor to help people achieve more of themselves, that I have bought two homes - one for my full time fighters and another for several staff members. All these men and women are drug tested, can't drink alcohol, and live an honest and professional lifestyle.

Furthermore, none of my athletes use illegal performance enhancing drugs - I want them to win as men or women. I don't care about the excuse, "Everybody else is doing it so it is a level playing field..." We are above that. Many of these instructors throwing stones teach their students how to cycle roids and win via unethical manners - but then they are going to talk about honor and integrity and respect.

My fighters are all taught to live with honor and respect - because their leader lives as such. I don't just speak it - I live it.

Maybe I'm too old fashioned? Maybe whoring behind your wife's back is a "character" developing action. Maybe juicing up your fighters to "win" is honorable. I can accept this, perhaps I'm a dying breed - perhaps my concept of honor and integrity is wrong. Perhaps honor is talking about character and then lying to those that love you.

I'm sick of all of this. I really am. I am very depressed today to see how people I used to respect all picked up stones in an attempt to metaphorically kill a man that they once proudly called a friend - all in the name of their "conscience" and "character". If one of them is truly without sin, then I hope their aim is true... the rest of them just better hope they aren't one day tied to the post and on the receiving end of a lynch mob of stone throwers.

Now I am a grown man and realize most people cheat on their wives and husbands - and that is cool with me. Everybody should be able to live as they wish - but if you are one of those people, I don't think you have the moral authority to be calling anyone out on their character or integrity.

One thing did cheer me up though, I saw someone I mentored write this on their wall today: "I strive to be more than a coach, I am a Mentor."

I believed him. It made me feel better.

Marcos knows better than to post on the UG seeing how his last thread turned out. Maybe he'll have better success trying to preach to what's left of his choir. Phone Post

so marcos is upset that instructors have engaged in immoral behavior that includes infidelity and alcohol and drug abuse.

but he is not upset that his instructor participated in a gang rape of a minor.

that makes sense.

Lol, so if you cheat and party, you shouldn't voice your opinion on a rape. Gotcha. Phone Post

Marcus must believe Lloyd is innocent , what's wrong with sticking by your friend if you believe he was falsely accused. I'm sure a lot of folk here that has bashed Lloyd show support and praise for Mike Tyson on Threads on here. Anytime Tyson comes up here he gets a lot of fan fair . Dana white himself has hanged out and brought Tyson to mentor tuf contestants. Mike Tyson a convicted rapist. Mean while Lloyd is not a convicted rapist. Was Lloyd guilty that night who knows and until all the facts are known I can understand not throwing stones as Marcus has said. If he was guilty then f him and he should of been locked up until this day. To be fair to Dana I choose to believe he must feel Tyson was innocent that night, because It doesn't make sense to me any other way.

er095 - Marcus must believe Lloyd is innocent , what's wrong with sticking by your friend if you believe he was falsely accused. I'm sure a lot of folk here that has bashed Lloyd show support and praise for Mike Tyson on Threads on here. Anytime Tyson comes up here he gets a lot of fan fair . Dana white himself has hanged out and brought Tyson to mentor tuf contestants. Mike Tyson a convicted rapist. Mean while Lloyd is not a convicted rapist. Was Lloyd guilty that night who knows and until all the facts are known I can understand not throwing stones as Marcus has said. If he was guilty then f him and he should of been locked up until this day. To be fair to Dana I choose to believe he must feel Tyson was innocent that night, because It doesn't make sense to me any other way.

A great many people believe that Tyson was falsely accused in much the same way the Tupac was. That being said, Tyson took his sentence like a man, and has done a myriad of things to try to better himself since then. Not all of them have been successful, but he has shown considerable effort, and never once made an excuse.

Lloyd has done quite the opposite.

so what exempts tupac and tyson ? because of great deeds and works that makes their "conviction" more tolerable?

tyson being "believed"to not do it doesnt make it any more of granting him absolution than Irvin

please Lloyd has done tons of things for the community if not the martial arts world...lets not get naive as if the man hasnt done anything and its ANYTHING from "quite the opposite". at least give the man his due if Tyson n Tupac do

we werent there to see ANY of the crimes either and only God and those involved know for fact