belcher replaces terrell

damn he has had had 7 fight sthis year according to the post earlier

I'll be hitting the piratebay for this one.

Keep in mind, Alan's only loss as a pro was a 5 round decision to a UFC vet, and he finished 6 of his 8 wins.  You guys won't be disappointed, trust me.

I remember the cards where we had a bunch of unknowns with names like Couture, Randleman, Coleman, Kerr, Belfort

Sounds like he's still a little pissed about the TUF snub, which doesn't bode well for Okami.  Belcher by TKO.

alan is a cool guy and very entertaining fighter i hope his fight makes it on the broadcast...ttt

Belcher lost to eastman in his second pro fight and went to decision. He's only gotten 10x better since then

Rampage lost to Eastman early in his career and he turned out ok. Takes lots of balls to fight the Beastman in your 2nd pro fight at such a young age. He is only 22 and he will continue to improve. We have a good team in Biloxi and he trains with Rich in Slidell.