Belfort cut 30 pounds


No, I've been doing this along time. Gradually losing weight is FAR different from a cut. A cut is the last couple of days before weigh-ins.

This thread happens every time the is a big UFC.

Dieting vs. cutting. It's different.

I agree with everything you said except that cutting is only the last couple of days. For me the weight cut is the weight that you will put back on within say s week after the weigh ins. That is not weight that you lost through dieting.

*1 week

If I were Benjamin Button, I'd cut +/- 240 lbs.

elburrogrande - 

No, I've been doing this along time. Gradually losing weight is FAR different from a cut. A cut is the last couple of days before weigh-ins.

This thread happens every time the is a big UFC.

Dieting vs. cutting. It's different.

I agree with everything you said except that cutting is only the last couple of days. For me the weight cut is the weight that you will put back on within say s week after the weigh ins. That is not weight that you lost through dieting.

I diet down to about 197 and cut to 185. During this diet time my intestines are empty because I've been eating clean, smaller amounts and training hard. The combination of the clean diet and hard training has my body using all the nutrients I take in and not carrying any extra waste inside my belly.

After I have cut and weighed in I will rehydrate what I have cut, back to about 197. Then I eat. Because I eat, drink and do not train and therefore do not sweat again until the fight I can walk to the cage at 205.

The week after the fight I will eat lots of pizza and drink many beers and generally shoot back up to 215 within ten days. I truely HAVE found the weight I lost during the dieting period.

That is why the cut is not the weight you put back on after weigh ins or after the fight. The whole diet and training intensity has changed thats why you put lbs back on, not because thats what you have cut.

Whatever the case, MMA fighters should always be fighting at a weight in which they need to lose 20+ lbs within 48 hrs of the weigh in. Hell if you get to eat and rehydrate for over 24hrs before competing it shouldn't be a problem. In fucking high school I had to cut 15 lbs. every two days and you have to make weight and then wrestle right after. Would have been awesome to have a day in between to get healthy again to compete. Point being, not surprising at all how much MMA guys "cut" for a fight. They are top level athletes. Hell there are 12 year olds out there cutting 10 lbs every weekend before matches. Cutting ain't shit for Vitor, Silva, etc.

AmericanPsychoMMA - <p>Well Vitor used to fight at HW right?  So it's not like he's a small MW.</p>

I think one of the things that has hurt Vitor is all of the weight jumping.

Lol burro give up! You were mistaken about the terminology. It's not the worst thing in the world. Perhaps you are confused by the fact that people sometimes use "cutting weight" as a catch all term for dieting and cutting. The difference between these two words predates your mma experience and has been used in wrestling and other combat sports for decades. Phone Post

John Clarke - 
elburrogrande - 

No, I've been doing this along time. Gradually losing weight is FAR different from a cut. A cut is the last couple of days before weigh-ins.

This thread happens every time the is a big UFC.

Dieting vs. cutting. It's different.

I agree with everything you said except that cutting is only the last couple of days. For me the weight cut is the weight that you will put back on within say s week after the weigh ins. That is not weight that you lost through dieting.

I diet down to about 197 and cut to 185. During this diet time my intestines are empty because I've been eating clean, smaller amounts and training hard. The combination of the clean diet and hard training has my body using all the nutrients I take in and not carrying any extra waste inside my belly.

After I have cut and weighed in I will rehydrate what I have cut, back to about 197. Then I eat. Because I eat, drink and do not train and therefore do not sweat again until the fight I can walk to the cage at 205.

The week after the fight I will eat lots of pizza and drink many beers and generally shoot back up to 215 within ten days. I truely HAVE found the weight I lost during the dieting period.

That is why the cut is not the weight you put back on after weigh ins or after the fight. The whole diet and training intensity has changed thats why you put lbs back on, not because thats what you have cut.

Thank you for your insight. Sounds almost exactly like what I do. If I were you I'd say I diet down from 215 to about 205 and then cut down to 185. Obviously you are removing waste from your body through dieting not just water and I think that is part of the cut.

Gianni Whitesocks - Lol burro give up! You were mistaken about the terminology. It's not the worst thing in the world. Perhaps you are confused by the fact that people sometimes use "cutting weight" as a catch all term for dieting and cutting. The difference between these two words predates your mma experience and has been used in wrestling and other combat sports for decades. <img src="/images/phone/post_tag.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

I just hate all the misinformation that is repeated through throughout the internet. Only one person actually was able to answer how Vitor would be back to over 200 lbs by fight time and that was an actual fighter. The truth is that just because Vitor lost the weight gradually doesn't mean he lost fat and muscle. Because of that he will be able to replenish it rapidly. This sounds unbelievable to all of you and I understand that it is hard to understand if you have no experience.

LOL Wow.

ReadytwoRoll - Get it right, Jesus released 30 lbs for him.

more of this

cutting weight refers to dehydrating your body. smart fighters will start cutting weight about a week before weigh ins. I've never heard of anyone 'cutting' weight for longer than a week before a weigh in. fighters who wait till a day or two before the weigh in to make large cuts have usually fucked up their cutting regimin. jake shields and thiago alves are two people who come to mind when cutting weight the 'wrong way'. both have cut 30+ lbs in two days, shields has said he will never do that again.

american top team is notorious for getting this down to a science. their fighters will start cutting 7 days before a fight, then put 95% of the weight back on in between the weigh in and the day of the fight.

you don't "cut" at the beginning of your training camp, like someone previously said.

in pharmacology class when were figuring out dosage for drugs, it is considered that the human male is 60% H20 by weight...

for a 215lb fightter to cut 30# to make 185 is very reasonable IMO

esp when they have exp in a combat sport where weight is an issue!

short round - cutting weight refers to dehydrating your body.

This is a misconception. And by trying to point it out people are lashing out against me because I am challenging their longstanding beliefs. The truth:

Weight that is lost through "cutting" refers to any kind of weight that can be easily replenished. That includes not just dehydration but bodily wastes as well. As Clarke pointed out, the intestines and colon can be emptied out through proper dieting and exercise but that begins at the start of the training camp.

So basically, this whole argument is over semantics.

Can't we all just get along?????????????

elburrogrande - 
Body Shots - 
elburrogrande - 
Body Shots - Dude he said he woke up on weight, he didn't CUT 30 lbs to make weight! He lost it over the course of the camp using Dolce Phone Post

You don't seem to understand what weight cutting is. My guess is you have never done it. I walk around 152lbs but I took a fight at 125. Over the course of a month I made weight. Did I not cut any weight? that makes no sense. Even thought I gradually cut the weight, I still had a 27lb weight cut. I actually walked in to the fight at 148lbs the next day.
OK buddy, I have CUT weight and I have lost weight. He LOST the weight over the course of his camp therefore HAD TO CUT NO MORE WEIGHT today jackass!


LOL who are you gonna explain the 20+ lbs that vitor will gain before stepping in to the cage tomorrow? He suddenly found his lost weight? lol
LOL he'll drink and eat small meals to gain back the small amount he cut if any. Dude's not gonna GAIN 20 lbs in a day!

It's called rehydrating and replenishing.


Give it up elburro, you were wrong and now grasp at straws. Sure there is "waste" in your system and taking a dump is part of the cut as well as taking a piss. But there is no 20 pounds of waste in your system, this is an old wives tail from the guys who give themselves enema's.

 For me, when I think cutting I think water weight. Diet is mass loss.

That is how I refer to it but that is just my 2 cents.

He's a rookie at this weight.