Belfort: TRT makes it a fair match for me

WADA uses blood tests for EPO and HGH. They use urine tests for testosterone same as the commissions.

In this context, when they talk about blood tests, they mean measuring the amount of testosterone in you. Its no different than you going to your own doctor to see what your testosterone level is at, its not really a doping test in that sense.

And these tests are not accurate. If you ask your doctor for TRT, you might have to give multiple blood tests during a 3 months period just for him to get an average level of testosterone from you. Your levels fluctuate greatly depending on the time of day and your activity etc

With exogenous testosterone, you just need to know the half life of the ester you are using and you can easily calculate your own levels. The urine tests however do not care about how much test you have in your body, they only want to know wether you are injecting or not

If the testosterone in your blood fluctuates greatly for everyone, and TUE guys never test above a normal level anyway at any time, what's the problem? </p>

gokudamus stole my name iv -
UGCTT_iPray2bLaidByWeidman - 
gokudamus stole my name iv - As always, the assumption that Vitor is cheating and jacking his levels up higher than normal makes no sense in light of the fact that someone who wanted to cheat would be WAY better off avoiding the whole TRT TUE process, since then they wouldn't ever have to take a blood test.

Even IF he is onpy bringing his "levels" to "normal" (bullshit term) there are many who feel that is cheating when talking about known steroid abusers.

Lets not pretend Vitor is you average middle aged man who is suffering from NATURAL testosterone loss. Phone Post

Doing something legal now doesn't make you a cheater just because you cheated in the past.

Vitor is older than many of the other guys on TRT who don't get any shit over it like Rampage and Mir. If they are "suffering from NATURAL testosterone loss" then it's entirely possible he is as well, and there is no way of knowing if that's the case or if it was his past steroid use that caused it.

Those are nice opinions. I dont agree with them. The fact that others take it too does not maoe it okay for ANY of them.

Moreso for the trt users who are PROVEN to have taken steroids. To my knowledge that is only Vitor. Have Mir or Rampage or Hendo ever been popped for roids?

There is a reason NSAC wont give Vitor the TUE... Phone Post

gokudamus stole my name iv - " It seems like if they banned TRT completely, it'd serve as a great deterrent to the next generation in regards to PED usage, because they know they will not get a "get out of jail free" card when they're older."

If banning roids in the first place is not a deterrent for people who want to cheat, why would banning TRT be a deterrent?

What is stopping Vitor or anyone else from just continuing to roid as much as they want? A post-fight urine test?

"shouldn't it be that dealing with low T as a result of your past steroid use is the price you pay for it?"

Yes, just like athletes with diabetes resulting from poor dietary habits in the past should not be able to use insulin, and athletes with injuries and issues resulting from overtraining should not be able to have those problems treated.

Thise are terrible comparisons. Simply terrible.

Having diabetes or an injury are not comparable to prior steroid use. Prior steroid use means you GAINED AN ADVANTAGE in the past fights.

How do you NOT see the message sent by allowing known steroid abusers to take MORE steroids later to offset the damage they did? Phone Post

It'll be funny in a few years when people look back and laugh at the stone age thinking of this time, when people actually looked down on scientific advances that greatly improved the quality of life.

"Fair" for him. Unfair for opponent.

"Having diabetes or an injury are not comparable to prior steroid use. Prior steroid use means you GAINED AN ADVANTAGE in the past fights. "

As has been pointed out, they already paid the penalty for that infraction. If you want harsher penalties for roiding -- in fact, you seem to want users out of the sport permanently -- then just say so. Don't combine this with the different issue of TRT TUEs.

In any case you missed my point. Someone who trains like a demon presumably has the advantage in their fights of all that extra training. The downside is that they may subsequently be injured. Why shouldn't they have to "take responsibility" for that and just live with the injury rather than treating it?

"How do you NOT see the message sent by allowing known steroid abusers to take MORE steroids later to offset the damage they did?"

1) They already paid the penalty for their sports infraction.

2) TRT usage is legal for athletes demonstrating the low testosterone that necessitates it (just like it's legal for every regular person with that condition).

3) Athletic commissions are not qualified to make a determination as to whether a given applicant has low test due to age, weightcutting, head trauma, or past steroid use. If, in fact, ANYONE can make such a determination. In any case, a years' later double penalty for something they already were punished for is stupid.

gokudamus stole my name iv - <p>
If the testosterone in your blood fluctuates greatly for everyone, and TUE guys never test above a normal level anyway at any time, what's the problem? </p>

In the US its not a problem. In Brazil where bribes are as common as acai its a problem. Especially since Marc Ratner said after the Rockhold fight that the UFC is not testing Vitor, that is up to the brazilian commission

The same commission that has given Vitor a TUE wich in itself is suspicious given his past

Its fairly obvious that Vitor is abusing testosterone. His physique is borderline Overeem comical now.

A tan and less fat is all it takes to be "borderline Overeem comical" now?

gokudamus stole my name iv - 
UGCTT_iPray2bLaidByWeidman - 
gokudamus stole my name iv - As always, the assumption that Vitor is cheating and jacking his levels up higher than normal makes no sense in light of the fact that someone who wanted to cheat would be WAY better off avoiding the whole TRT TUE process, since then they wouldn't ever have to take a blood test.

Even IF he is onpy bringing his "levels" to "normal" (bullshit term) there are many who feel that is cheating when talking about known steroid abusers.

Lets not pretend Vitor is you average middle aged man who is suffering from NATURAL testosterone loss. Phone Post

Doing something legal now doesn't make you a cheater just because you cheated in the past.

Vitor is older than many of the other guys on TRT who don't get any shit over it like Rampage and Mir. If they are "suffering from NATURAL testosterone loss" then it's entirely possible he is as well, and there is no way of knowing if that's the case or if it was his past steroid use that caused it.

Seriously, people play favorites.....Hendo, Randy,.Quinton, Mir....ALL on TRT....and nobody gives them shit.....Vitor talks about in in public.because he gets asked about it like every single interview...Fans are a jealous, hateful, stupid bunch and will always talk shit and turn on you in an instant....Most fighters should be take their money while telling them to stick.their negative opinions and stick them up their ass....just Vitor is too nice for that.

BY FAR the best , most well articulated, and intelligent post on this thread....anyone arguing with you at this point is just an emotional derp-a-derp.

gokudamus stole my name iv - A tan and less fat is all it takes to be "borderline Overeem comical" now?

There is a noticable difference in his physique now compared to a few years ago. The other TRT users however look the same

gokudamus stole my name iv - "Vitor's level are off because of his usage in the past. "

Do you have reason to believe that Vitor's previous steroid use is what is hurting his levels now, as opposed to the normal wear and tear of age and effects of weightcutting and blows to the head as is supposedly the case for the other athletes on TRT? He's older than most of them and has been fighting longer than any of them.
And he's been juicing longer than most of them. Heck, he was juicing when most fighters were still kids. Phone Post 3.0

rockafella - So his opponents wear their bodies and testosterone levels down through training camp by working hard which limits their abilities to sustain a steady high level though out camp and Vitor gets to keep his levels even at a normal level regardless of how hard he is training? How does that sound fair to anybody?

Everyone else has to suffer through testosterone depletion to train hard and this cheat fuck has his regulated at a steady level through out his camp. Means he can train harder longer and without many of the side effects that are associated with doing so.

Dude needs to give his head a shake and anyone that agrees with him can do so also.

Actually, you're taking Dan at his word that that's his levels ended up low from cutting or head shots...he could have been juicing in Pride all along ( just not following Baroni's lifging routine) and you would.never know....Those 2 reasons are unrelated, sound strung together, and likely total BS....His When did he cut weight in Pride ? Be had one of the smallest weight cuts to 185 ever....and where are all these wrestlers with low T claiming it was from cutting ??? You're just guillable enough to believe Dan is morally superior and above all that...cuz It's Hendo (like you know him sooooooo well-lol)....just like I bet u believed Randy "The Natural" never did either...ha ha

The truth is NOBODY suffer.through low T, for natural or unnatural reasons,.because TRT is available to.anyone who medically needs it. Again, Vitor is doing anything wrong or illegal and nothing that isnt available to anyone that needs it.

rockafella - So his opponents wear their bodies and testosterone levels down through training camp by working hard which limits their abilities to sustain a steady high level though out camp and Vitor gets to keep his levels even at a normal level regardless of how hard he is training? How does that sound fair to anybody?

Everyone else has to suffer through testosterone depletion to train hard and this cheat fuck has his regulated at a steady level through out his camp. Means he can train harder longer and without many of the side effects that are associated with doing so.

Dude needs to give his head a shake and anyone that agrees with him can do so also.

Actually, you're taking Dan at his word that that's his levels ended up low from cutting or head shots...he could have been juicing in Pride all along ( just not following Baroni's lifging routine) and you would.never know....Those 2 reasons are unrelated, sound strung together, and likely total BS....His When did he cut weight in Pride ? Be had one of the smallest weight cuts to 185 ever....and where are all these wrestlers with low T claiming it was from cutting ??? You're just guillable enough to believe Dan is morally superior and above all that...cuz It's Hendo (like you know him sooooooo well-lol)....just like I bet u believed Randy "The Natural" never did either...ha ha

The truth is NOBODY suffer.through low T, for natural or unnatural reasons,.because TRT is available to.anyone who medically needs it. Again, Vitor is doing anything wrong or illegal and nothing that isnt available to anyone that needs it.

GSPsShadyHandWraps -
"There is a noticable difference in his physique now compared to a few years ago. The other TRT users however look the same"

This is the pic most people post to show the "huge" difference:

IMO he doesn't actually look any bigger, just leaner. That's normally going to be more a function of diet than anything else I think.

Isn't it just as likely that the reason the other TRT users look the same is because they have been roiding all along? I mean shouldn't there be some point at which they looked smaller/weaker if they were actually suffering from low test until TUEs were instituted?

I don't really get the sense in suggesting that Vitor, the "proven steroid abuser", for some reason looked smaller and softer and weaker while illegally roiding than he does while under monitored TRT.

Scott Rotem - Used to be such a big fan of Vitor. I wish he would just STFU already. He sucks.

lol...I have no doubt he would be delighted to stop talking about TRT forever. Remember when he said he wanted to slap the last journalist who asked him about it?

Unfortunately he is asked about in in every single interview, including the one this thread is about.

I don't blame Vitor for trying to get an edge on the competition or wanting to feel like he's 24 again, but I do blame the UFC for all this steroid, TRT, HGH, it's all because the UFC doesn't want to fork over the cash to do legit testing.

sick of hearing dana say it's up to the AC, and that they're regulated by the government, fuck you goof.

If they were roiding all along and passing the tests then why would they even care about getting TUEs?

If Vitor passed these tests while illegally roiding, why is he hiding out in Brazil now? He should be able to fight anywhere even without a TUE then

They should just have a "TRT" division and a regular division at each weightclass. It would be like the PGA Tour and the Senior PGA Tour. I'd watch both to be honest.