Greg, I lived just down from the street on Tracy Park Drive...
The Boo was in Stumbling distance !!!
We got so drunk one time at my place we all decided to head up to the Boo...Being the thinking machines's we were we thought if we rode our bikes up it would save us a bit of time...
Mind you, we're already SHIT FACED drunk and it's ten to SEVEN at night... LOL
We stayed till closeing drinking $16 pitchers of draft beer...
I ended up spending about $50 for numerous polaroids with various women, I could barely hold my head up...
Finally the bar closes and me and my roommates decide to call it a night. We grab our bikes and head home....
I make it 5 feet before falling off my bike face first...
So, we start walking our bikes home.
I made it another 20 feet before wiping out cutting the hell out of my leg when the bike sliced across it...
My buddy pushed his and my bike him the rest of the way as I stumbled incoherently for the next 1000 feet or so...
Good times...