Benny The Jet Urquidez training videos

I still remember reading the book where he says why the sideways stance that Karate guys used at the time in KB limited them and made it easy for his two fisted style. I adopted that style based on his instructional.

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here’s his fight page

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I’ve seen a guy get hit on one side of his face and the other side started bleeding.
Like bleeding from a little hole – kind of similar to the way Oleg was bleeding in the Goodridge fight.

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Thanks for posting that.

Wow I almost forgot how brutal the end of the fight was.
One of those where you’re genuinely concerned for the guy.

So yeah the situation I saw was totally different, but the same kind of bleeding.
Almost like someone stuck a tack in the side of the face – but in this case it was the opposite side of where homeboy got slapped.

Interesting little things you can’t quite explain.

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