Bermudez Puerto Rican all of a sudden?

He was born in NY, why is there a PR flag on the tale of the tape? 

Because he's a tool 


Some people consider Puerto Rican's as American's.

boxing wiz -

Some people consider Puerto Rican's as American's.

That's not the point and doesn't apply to this case.

As long as he's not a leftist SJW who constantly whines about being marginalized and oppressed by institutional racism, who cares.

He currently holds the world record for the fastest time to drink one litre of

Lemon juice through a straw, that's all that matters. 

boxing wiz - 

Some people consider Puerto Rican's as American's.

Because they are

forumnewb -
boxing wiz - 

Some people consider Puerto Rican's as American's.

Because they are

 I was being a smart ass

Ethnicity identification has always been a big part of the fight game. Helps fans identify. Although if white people do it its racism.

I would suck whoevers balls that came out with a don’t tread on me flag.

StretchPlum - Ethnicity identification has always been a big part of the fight game. Helps fans identify. Although if white people do it its racism.

Right. So many people are screaming racism when Conor wraps himself in an Irish flag.

Who made the change: The fighter or the promoter?

Also, Anderson Silva is not black…

mojodmonky - 
StretchPlum - Ethnicity identification has always been a big part of the fight game. Helps fans identify. Although if white people do it its racism.

Right. So many people are screaming racism when Conor wraps himself in an Irish flag.

That’s because he’s from Ireland you goof.

You think it would be all cupcakes and unicorns if some guy from Texas come out with a German flag? Having probably never even been to German?

There's nothing wrong with bring proud of ones German heritage. Anyone that would criticize a fighter of German descent for bringing a German flag with him is a fucking idiot. Now if he brought the third Reich flag with the swastikas.. different story.

So maybe a better example is Stipe. Pre Reebok days he rocked gear with the Croatian flag on it, but he's an American born in Ohio. I never saw or heard anyone pull the racism card against him.

Idiots love to complain about everything and anything. If he had an association to Puerto Rico then he has every right to sport the flag. Hell, even if he went vacationing there and loved it then who cares! 

mojodmonky - 

There's nothing wrong with bring proud of ones German heritage. Anyone that would criticize a fighter of German descent for bringing a German flag with him is a fucking idiot. Now if he brought the third Reich flag with the swastikas.. different story.

So maybe a better example is Stipe. Pre Reebok days he rocked gear with the Croatian flag on it, but he's an American born in Ohio. I never saw or heard anyone pull the racism card against him.

Or any Italian American…or those Croatian waving flag fans when Stpie wins. Its not ok for some groups, its ok for others. Did anyone make a peep about Miletich being called the Croatian Sensation?

You guys are gonna ruin the angry white guy's 'double standard' narrative, stop it! :D

When you make your fight debut pick the flag/flags you want.  There are people of multiple ethnicities like Stipe, Miletich, Bermúdez.  They all represent the US and heritage.